I got some good links. What’s in the vaccine? Well Dr. Young also does not believe in the 200+ year old hoax of germ theory of contagion. He just did a major study of the four vaccines using electron microsopes and he found graphene, metals, and…parasites? Remember a few weeks ago I had a hunch why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin worked on a so-called “viral infection”? Yeah no one has been able to properly explain that. But they are anti-parasitic medicines though huh?
Check this out here. Of course if you “google” Dr. Robert O. Young, you’ll get nothing but “hit pieces” for the top search results. He commits damnable heresy against Big Pharma/Big Medicine. His recent interviews are here. Watch them and you’ll be smarter for doing it.
When good scientific techniques and optical microscopes became common and cheap, they switched the contagion game to “invisible” particles now being responsible for “contagious” diseases which needed many vaccines to “prevent”. This was over a 100 years ago. And when the electron microsope became available, they made sure this equipment was expensive, controlled and not available to the common man. And still no one has been able to properly isolate ANY virus EVER. They “think” what they see is a virus, but its dead cell debris. I digress, I have covered this many times over the past 6 months. And they have never proven that “Virus_____” (insert whatever name they come up with) causes sickness.
What gets us sick is when our body suffers cellular damage (toxemia) due to poisons, stress, unhealthy food, unhealthy breathing air, and…radiation sickness. Does you medical doctor consider any of this? NO! HE IS NOT ALLOWED, nor are they taught or be allowed to learn!
This next link is excellent and you need to bookmark it. This is the first time I have stumbled across it – that shows you how well they bury these anti-covid websites! I look for this stuff and even I cannot find them. But here it is. He nails it in a very long post about the vaccines and Covid here. Be sure to read what the Pfizer whistleblower says. It backs up what Doctor young has found.
For if you go to the hospital suffering any kind of sickness and they test you “positive” Covaids -19, your chance of survival is iffy. For the medical protocols put in place are designed to deny you drugs that may help (ivermectin, HCQ) and give you very toxic drugs that may worsen the condition (Fauci’s Remdesivir, etc.). And then force you onto a ventilator which we all know is the kiss of death. Hell, I’ll just stick to Apple-flavor ivermectin horse paste thank you!
Mike Adams wrote a very good article that I wanted to write so I’ll just link him here on what is going on inside the Covaids kill zone of your local isolated hospital ward run by nurse Ratchet here.
I ran across this story just before I was to hit publish. One of at least 20 examples I have read about in the last month of treatment denied by the hospitals. When will you figure out that all the good of this world has left it?
So Dan what is causing all this sickness? I’ll give you the short answers. Firstly, the PCR test is a SCAM and the entire key to the plandemic. If you are ignorant to this fact at this stage, I have little hope for you. Even soccer moms know this. The test means nothing. Watch coviads – 19 in 19 minutes here for a quick refresher.
1.) The have been poisoning us for decades. Our meat supply is not natural and pumped with “vaccines” (chicken, pigs, cattle) and other things on the mega-death animal farms and you can bet the vaccines they give animals has the same “adjuvant” (poison) graphene as what is in the covaids jab. Thus we accumulate toxins from our own food supply and eventually the body tries to deal with it. You do know that they spread human shit from wastewater treatment plants on crops in the field don’t you? Always finding a way to make a $$$ on what used to be “junk”. How do you think the fluoridated water scam came into existence? (Hint: they had tons of extra fluoride from other manufacturing processes and found a money-making way to make use of it!) And we drink that poison still to this very day.
2.) The world is the most unhealthiest it has ever been. Sugar by the billions of pounds. Do you know your body considers pure sugar or especially HFCS a poison also? Oh yeah and alcohol is a poison. Yeah we are to blame. We get no sun because they taught us “sun = bad”. We have low vitamin D which is one of the most important vitamins we need to remain healthy. And we put sunscreen on which blocks vitamin D production. Ironic? or evil? You decide.
3.) The medical system kills us and we demand it. I can literally speak to 20 middle age men at my work ages 45 on up and I can bet you I’ll find at least 12 that take at least two pills permanently (usually high blood pressure, statins) Another 6 take 1 pill and maybe only 2 of 20 don’t take anything. Some take 3 or more. Pills don’t “cure” they “mask” the underlying symptoms. High blood pressure and lipid readings are biomarkers like the speedometer on your car. You don’t “fix” your speedometer by putting a metal object that keeps the needle from moving above “X” amount of speed if it is going to fast do you? NO! You go under the hood and fix the broken carburetor, clean out the gas tank, etc. yet people are stupid. We deserve the Tribulation and the Wrath of God just for being stupid.
4.) Radiation sickness. 4G and 5G is making us sick. The sheer amount of cell towers are blanketing us so much that no one can escape it. And many are electrically sensitive. Heck your own house has a water and electric meter that emit constantly RF radiation and we just don’t care, and the power company does whatever they want just like all the other corrupted corporations. Of course we all have bought so many wi-fi objects and “smart” appliances that we have soaked our own bodies in RF radiation without even a thought. We are electrical beings. Read this excellent book, the The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life and learn something! And now Elon Musk is putting up thousands of satellites in low earth orbit all emitting microwave frequencies of 5G+.
In my opinion, although I will go on listing things that make us sick, radiation sickness (combined with graphene poisoning) is responsible for the truly unexplainable sicknesses that don’t fit into other “normal” categories. I have a friend diagnosed with covaids (of course) and he has an enormous constant headache, yet the lungs are clear. So what you see is that they are lumping anything and everything into covid. Hey I thought covid virus was a virus of the lungs?
The media psychological campaign is relentless because people are stupid and don’t critically think. All it is is covid, vaccine, covid death here, unvaccinated death here. They are coming up with more and more bizarre stories on your typical MSN newsfeed and they get blasted outwards in unison nationwide. In “normal ” times would you be getting bombarded that someone died of something in some small town on the other side of the country? No, of course not but now we are. You want to know why the hospitals are being reported as full? Because they use the ICU beds on purpose for covid patients even if not needed. And all the nurses are quitting and doctors are quitting. The hospital CEO’s are creating death on purpose by mandating non-effective treatment protocols. The have become death camps.
Looks like covid to me:

5.) Graphene oxide is a multiplier of the microwave frequencies that we are being bombarded with. A 5 Gigahertz frequency that is amplified into a harmful ionizing frequency. Build up enough of this stuff in the brain and eventually you will get an ungodly headache and develop other symptoms. You go to the hospital, they “test” you for covid, and next thing you know they want to shove a vent down your throat.
6.) Geoengineering. What started many decades ago, even in WWII, as a means to control the weather has continued in one form or another to this day. Yes chemtrails are real. They spray strontium, barium and aluminum for now decades. Under the guise of “global warming.” But guess what they are most assuredly spraying now? Yes good old graphene oxide nanoparticles. You can take that bet to the bank. And if you have a cloud of graphene oxide nanoparticles in the atmosphere and Elon’s satellites are beaming 5G through them, hey, it can only be good huh?
7. God! (yes God will bring illness for many reasons)
I could go on and on but I touched on the major topics I wanted to talk about. All these “perfect storm” items have come together to allow the corporate global elite Satan-worshipping cabal to finally make their move to control and/or kill humanity as they have always said they wanted. As single human minds, we cannot fathom all the “TRUTH” and thus we deny it all and we are trapped mentally. Yet for some reason, God has pointed me to much truth over the last 18 months.
You are truly living in the Matrix. That movie series was no accident. Do you know how the series ended, yes? It wasn’t that they defeated the “bad guys”, Neo was sacrificed for the good of humanity. The evil cabal that runs this world is preparing it for the next human prophet to unite mankind and Israel will think they finally rule the earth as was promised. Yet the Jews do not plan on keeping the Messiah around for if you study Judaism, they believe their Messiah will die a normal death. Hence when the their Messiah – the Antichrist – does die and then is raised again after 3 days, woe be to the Jews in Israel and Jerusalem! The Antichrist will surround Jerusalem and make it desolate. This is the abominations of desolations. It is not just the trashing of the Satanic synagogue temple that gets rebuilt, it is a slaughtering to the Jews who resist the Antichrist.
The Jews are not aware of New Testament teachings. Neither are Muslims. Most are unaware of anything I have been blogging about because no one tells them they are going to hell if they keep it up, and they don’t even read the Torah let alone the New Testament. Instead most people support the Jews and tell them they are the chosen ones! Yes, they are chosen for destruction if they have not Jesus the true Messiah. God allowed Satan to gather them back to Israel in 1948 not to be blessed but to be bundled as tares and thrown in the fire. They have been cursed for 2000 years. Their only hope is salvation to Jesus, better to do that now! I speak these things not in hate but in love! Hear what is going to happen and maybe, just maybe, if you claim to be a Jew (or Muslim, Atheist, Hindu, etc. for that matter), pick up a New Testament and read John 3:16 aloud and pray and call out to Jesus!
Watch this interesting sermon by Pastor Anderson on what will likely go down concerning the Jews ushering the Messiah (Antichrist) and then him turning on them when the moment is ripe known as the abomination of desolations.
Approximately 75 days after the abomination of desolations, the Rapture occurs. Jesus will come in all power and glory, the sun and moon and stars will be darkened and a lightning shall encompass the whole earth. Day shall be light, night shall be light. After the sealing of the 144,000, Jesus pours out his 3 1/2 years of wrath upon the earth. Most think that the 144,000 will be scattered over the earth “preaching and saving souls” but Revelation does not actually say that anyone will be “saved” to the Jesus during the wrath of God period and that the 144,000 will be soul-winning. I assume so though.
Zechariah 14:
1 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.
2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
Still holding above the wedge. A potential dark month of September is upon us.

We have clearly gone parabolic. Do we have another 10 -15%, 2 – 3 months left of sheer steepness as was Japan in 1989?