This reverse repo chart is screaming that there is a major systemic crack up ready to be unleashed. This is where the “hot checks” are parked, at least part of it. The reverse repo was never meant to balloon like this. The Fed will have to create more fake “windows” to park all the money they are creating via buying US Treasury debt of all types. Everyone’s hands are tied at this point. The primary dealers, the Fed, the U.S. Treasury just keep playing a “hide the peanut” shell game and it’s not hiding anymore. The emperor has no clothes. It is to the point where it really doesn’t matter what type of debt we are talking about. There is no “good debt” left. For when this bomb goes off, all debt will take a beating. All assets will, and must face their ultimate destruction.
Why? Because it has cheated the Lord’s good sensibilities. The amount of lying, fraud and ruined lives to get where we are today, a fake wealth based on nothing. A tremendous and insatiable greed. The Fed thinks they are God. They “create” out of thin air and the charade cannot go on much longer. We are the Great Whore Babylon in Revelation. There is no “soft landing” even possible. We know it will all end in a terrible trainwreck. Yet somehow nobody can see it any longer. No one can see the evil of it all. For we have fallen away from Jesus. Everyone believes the lies on all fronts.
The biggest lie is the fractional reserve lending system (a creation of the Rothschilds) that has now ensnared 7.6 billion people on this planet. It cannot be reversed without its own destruction at hand. Yet it will reverse. You can only cheat God for so long.

I get laughed at but we are surely in a Ponzi of gargantuan proportions. Except when this pops, it won’t be funny. Yet this is where we are. We are clearly following the Japan’s Nikkei of its meteoric rise in 1989. But conditions are VASTLY different when this bubble pops as there is not a rising social mood upswing of the 1990’s awaiting us, to cushion us. Only anger, fear, wars, and destruction of wealth and the enslavement of entire nations. And the global cabal will use the chaos to create their own New World Order.
A great global reset. That is what they want. That is how it will come about.

A couple of squiggle variations. Prices are still above the wedge on the ending diagonal count. However, they need to break lower soon or else we do not have an ending diagonal.

Therefore the next best count is just a variation on basically the same, just not in ending diagonal form. This count would imagine a “final surge” to that ridiculous peak we are forming.

The count is maturing either way.

The DJIA might be the key index. It has a definite wedge looking count in classic EW form. Yet it needs a new high to complete the pattern.