In a lengthy post the other day, I contrasted between the vaccine and the mark of the beast in the book of Revelation about how the vaccine is foreshadowing the coming real mark of the beast. It occurs to me that another comparison is warranted. It is from 2 Thessalonians 2 in a quote I have used here before on this website:
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
In a sense, the vaccine is a “strong delusion” that God has sent to those who do not believe the truth. In this case, those who did not believe the truth that the entire “plandemic” is a lie and a scam. In that no one can use common sense that I have been pointing out here for over a year. Last night’s post, I listed what I feel is killing us, and the unusual sickly cases could very well be radiation (RF) sickness. Follow La Quinta Columna out of Spain as they are leading the research on this. English speaking Orwell City site translates their articles in English for them here.
Regardless, this vaccine is a foreshadow of the final strong delusion God will send men once the Antichrist reveals himself in the abomination of desolations, the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week of years (last 7 years).
Shortly after the Antichrist demands worship and after the rapture of the believers, most theologians assume that once God’s wrath starts to pour out on the earth, that the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation will be walking the earth getting people saved to Jesus. It may be true, but it’s just an assumption as the bible does not state their purpose. God’s 2 witnesses who preach do get people saved, but how many?
It could be that the 144,000 wander the earth to torment the damned and perhaps save a few here and there who are not yet saved and who refuse to worship the beast. Or it could be they are here to remind the unbelievers that they were unrighteous and now have to choke on all the lies to the bitter end. I have to study it more while praying for God’s wisdom.
Actually, there are two places in Revelation where it states mankind refused to repent even though they were getting hammered by God’s wrath with the 7 trumpet and 7 vial judgements. Revelation 9:
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
And again in Revelation chapter 16:
9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
So God is hammering mankind and they still will not repent. They were sent a great delusion and are damned. Do some get saved? There is actually no evidence that they do. This does not mean they all get killed, there will be many hundreds of millions or maybe even a few billion that survive God’s 3 1/3 years of wrath and plagues. Once Satan is locked away into hell for a 1000 years, I imagine the survivors no longer have the strong delusion. Some survivors will be damned though because they took the mark of the beast.
I have been unable to convince anyone about any truth, particularly the covaids kill shot. Not even close family members. Nor coworkers, nor anyone. Former Chief scientist of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, who also has been warning for months, is just as frustrated. He figured he has some inside knowledge, yet he is frustrated that all he says and warns falls on death ears. I feel his pain. I suspect the “vaccine” is God’s opening strong delusion cast upon those who are now unable to see any truth at all.
The plandemic was controlled by the bogus PCR test. Jon Rappaport has been pounding his fist all year, and he too cannot get through to anyone new. The needle really hasn’t moved in public opinion. The vaccine is God’s strong delusion and thus we keep marching toward the end of days. The jabbed still believe the lies as they have been captured and compromised. They are primed to line up for the “booster” as a result whereas I had thought there would be more resistance. But we shall see, that is a long way off for most people at the moment. They are first offering the boosting death jab to the old and infirmed that survived the first round, to finish them off.
The cult-of-covid hospitals are now outright killing patients on purpose. Another whistleblower here. She curses the medical system as being evil devils. She gets it. I assume she is not vaxxed. Of course the whistleblower in Hawaii spilled the beans on what is happening there. There are plenty more testimonies but you won’t find them on Twitter or You Tube or Facebook. And anyways, it seems no one cares. You can link to someone all day long to those giving honest testimony, to the CDC’s and Europes own VAERS systems showing all the deaths and injuries and people just don’t care. They just look at you with a blank stare. The ingredients in the shot really seems to be shutting down a person’s ability to make cognitive decisions between what is right and wrong, what is truth, and what is an evil lie.
It has gotten to the point where I don’t even bother anymore. This blog is not for the unsaved, for they will not read this kind of stuff. I have come to realize it is for the saved and warning how the end times will play out. The unsaved never had spiritual discernment about things godly anyway. An unbeliever cannot read the bible and make any sense of it. The word of God is powerful but to complete the deal, the unbeliever must make an honest heart effort to call out and believe. But my bet is that saving people is now harder if they have taken the jab. I don’t have proof of that other than if I cannot convince someone about the overall evil totalitarian goals of the global cabal who are pushing this shot (and “passport”), how are they going to make the leap to Christ? And I have tried saving jabbed people to Christ and I get a blank stare. In fact, I find most are offended by Jesus at this stage.
So yes, it is yet another strong correlation that the vaccine is foreshadowing the mark of the beast. As again, in the end times, when people worship the Antichrist and accept the mark in order to participate in society, the are given a strong delusion by God so that they can choke on the lies, their fate being sealed. And thus with the vaccine, when people take the jab to participate in society their state of logic goes out the window. They believe the lies and do not ever experience a change of mind it seems. And if they keep taking “boosters”, they too will literally choke on the lies (after having a vent shoved down the throat).
That has been my experience for the past 8 months with trying to convince people in any logical way possible but all I get is blank stares. And even from people who were way more distrusting of government for years, yet for some reason they took the jab and are unmoved. Like walking, unthinking zombies.
Everything happening convinces me I am on the right track concerning the end of times. Either way, I have given it to Jesus and he is in command. If I sense a need to change direction by him, I will do so.
As I have been saying, the next biblical “event”, would be war in heaven where Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet, Death and Hell come down to earth to kickoff the final 7 years of this world as we know it. I have September 20 – 22 THIS month as a strong possible start date. Yet that is a best guess. We won’t know. It could be next week for all I know or in October. Yet it seems the top of the stock market might coincide with the Antichrist’s arrival on earth which may be very soon. So it seems the market is in lockstep. It’s a working theory.
Is a market crash the warning the last 7 years has begun? Was that the purpose of this blog all these years with me only realizing about Jesus’s Revelation and the teachings of the bible only in the last few months? Is the coming top of the Grand Supercycle wave a real-time marker for biblical end times events? One must ponder the thought for the bubble is unreal. The Antibubble walks the earth at the moment. No one believes it’s a bubble anymore!
The last thing I want to be is a false prophet. Yet I am not the one pounding my fist claiming that an early pre-tribulation rapture will get us out of here and we won’t even see the Antichrist. The Left Behind movies and books were horrible and unbelievable. That is a false doctrine, and not by me! For 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3 specifically tells that we will see the Antichrist before the real Jesus Christ returns:
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
Seems pretty clear to me the saved are headed to a great tribulation as Jesus himself stated in Matthew 24. And we deserve it, for the state of the modern “corporate” church is contemptible for the most part which is why I suspect I never went. Which is why I am understanding the bible because my mind was never polluted with all the false doctrine they preach like the pre-trib rapture which will harm many because they have been led by ignorance either willfully or unwilfully but imagine the spiritual chaos that will unfold as a result when it turns out not to be true.
I haven’t given up on the ending diagonal count, but we have reached a max situation. In other words, for this count to be correct, a breakaway gap down is called for, like tomorrow. It seems unlikely though.

But if the market continues upward, we have a good count for it. So yes, we have reached one of those “either or” moments. This chart is favored to continue to at least next week because of the DOW’s pattern (see last chart).

Again, the DJIA may be the key. If it breaks to a new high, it will be completing a bearish pattern.