Lot’s of newsfeeds on pushing back against the planned “booster” inoculation here in America. Yet Biden’s White House jumped the gun. Or did they? One has to wonder if he is being blackmailed by his Chi-Com overlords. It could be the simplest explanation for Afghanistan too. Who knows at this stage.
But it is an indication by the world elite cabal that the poll numbers may be horrible concerning the booster plans so early. People are blinded as I have explained, but in general, people don’t like needles. Particularly after you promised them “normal” only a few months ago (a lie) and now they see they are to get jabbed again so soon and for what? So it seems the CDC, FDA or whoever realize that the plandemic “game” may go wildly out of control if the boosters are pushed too early. Even I was surprised by the early booster push last week. I thought they’d wait until November, December timeframe.
The real problem is that the mass corporate mandates have yet to be announced and the booster plan got ahead of things. Sure, we have had plenty of mandates, but pushing a booster may screw that plan up. Even the corporate whore Fortune 500 VP’s doing the dirty work for the vaccine companies may be hesitating and trying to factor in booster scenarios even before their mandates have gone public. At any rate I expect the corporate vaccine mandates to start to roll out this week after Labor Day and continue for the next month. Once the majority are locked in, the boosters will all of a sudden be acceptable again and the news narrative will be adjusted accordingly.
It’s like a bad movie, you know the plot, but endure through it anyway. There really hasn’t been any “gotcha!” surprises huh? And for that matter, the planned stock market takedown – via unwinding the hyper-ballooned reverse repo facility – is right around the corner, but again the mass vaccine corporate mandates must be in place first!
So yeah, the FDA and CDC certainly plan on jabbing you again and again. After all, that is what the FDA and CDC is all about – a protection racket for Big Pharma. Biden just managed to, as Obama famously said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to F*** things up”. So yeah, Pfizer and Moderna CEOs have been pushing boosters as per original evil cabal world-takeover schedule but it needs to be adjusted because it seems not all Americans are as stupid as they thought.
And we can see the “great reset” schedule! Other countries are already well ahead of schedule. Australia is already building the FEMA camps and have managed police state controls. Canada is doing their damnedest and so is the Brits, the New Zealanders, France and Germany. Of course China is the shining example.
And Israel is foreshadowing everything. They are perfectly on schedule. Boosters, digital vaccine passports, police state – a model of evil.
But America is behind schedule and Biden is getting pressured probably from Klaus Schwab himself. I just watch events with my bag of popcorn most of the time anymore. People are stupid. We deserve everything we are going to get.
I don’t know, probably up big Monday LOL, I have a count for it. I have all the options covered actually. Antichrist is due 20 – 22 September, and when he gets down here and makes covenant for 1 week with the Luciferians running the banks behind the scenes, the order will be to crash the market down. Again, that wouldn’t be hard, all they need to do is to start to unwind it. And it will unwind if they wish it to happen or not anyway.
So yes, there is a schedule that must be kept and Biden is behind!

I expect a new high on the Nikkei.

And a new high on the DJIA.

And lets get that NASDAQ looking nice and peaky with some more peakiness price advances.

America is lagging behind implementing the totalitarian police state. Klaus Schwab is not happy, we are not on schedule. Antichrist will be pissed when he gets here. Market is all set for unwinding when the time is ripe….soon. DJIA needs to complete it’s wedge pattern. Another surge in prices in the NASDAQ and Wilshire will ensure the Ponzi is ripe for the reversal.
Am I missing anything? Oh yes, look for some kind of celestial event when the war in heaven occurs. Maybe a surprise asteroid or something. A few weeks from now is a best guess. Or a massive earthquake somewhere unusual perhaps.