More unrest in Australia. The people are pissed off. As I suggested last night, ultimately the worldwide “vaccination” program will be a massive failure, at least from the standpoint where the global elite think they’ll get their “Great Reset 2030” without a hitch. Or maybe they don’t care. Regardless there are a lot of people caught in between who “believe” in the vaccines and have faith in the (communist/fascist) system. Or on the flipside others believe in a politician who will rise against the worldwide fascist tyranny that is coming down on 7+ billion souls. But they won’t find any relief.
I am observing some anecdotal evidence. I talked to some vaccinated individuals about having to wear a mask at work (after being free of it for 2 months) and it has them pissed off. They are slowly realizing they are being played. I asked the one guy (vaccinated of course) “Do you maybe think they have been lying to you?” He was angry and said, “They all are a bunch of fucking liars!” Its seems the CDC mask reversal is NOT a popular policy and the “captured and compromised” people just may not be as beholden to the system as I was previously thinking. But then again, if the CDC hadn’t reversed course and then went and suggested the vaxxed are actually “superspreaders”, everything would be just fine. So you have to wonder what they are doing and why. Occam’s Razor suggests they are just stupid which I believe to be true.
Even this jackbag has-been “actor” is pissed.
Another individual who I have teased all year that he needed to be ready for the “vaccine booster”, is not happy. He is one of those people who take the gospel of the MSN Windows 10 Edge browser newsfeeds as all true no questions asked. The guy’s brain is overflowing with “fact checked” articles. I asked him today after he too grumbled about the mandatory masks, “So have you realized yet that you are being played”? He stuck to his faith in the vaccines but curiously he was adamant that he will not take the booster. He teased me about me going to lose my job and I reminded him for the 10th time this year that if they can fire me for not taking shots 1/2, that he will be surely fired for not taking shot #3. After 6 months of back and forth with this guy, he finally didn’t have much to say only added again, “I am NOT taking any more shots”. This seems to be a universal sentiment. The dutiful lined up for their shots thinking everything would go back to normal but Lucy is pulling the football away again.
So my buddy had thought all along the “pandemic” would be over with the first shots and that we would be back to “normal” just like they promised. I had been telling him all year what the plan was. That there would be a “variant”. That there would be mass blaming of the unvaccinated. That the fear porn would never end and that there will never be “back to normal”. That they were prepping the boosters. And putting in place “vaccine passports”. He didn’t believe any of it and he actually thought things would go back to “normal”. I think he slowly realizes too that maybe I was right. But he is still faithful to the cult of the jab…for now. Why? Because he was thoroughly captured and compromised. Actually in his case, he was not compromised, he had eagerly bought into it from day 1 in March of 2020. But there is hope and he is a Believer in Jesus so he will eventually wake up that much I know as he cannot lose his salvation.
In fact, now that I think about it, this whole “vaccine” fiasco is teaching Believing Christians not to trust anything in the future as far as “hey just take this (666) RF chip into your right hand or in your forehead and all will be well”. All the good Christians who eagerly put their faith in this shot (because man-induced fear of virus theory of contagion is overwhelming) will not submit to the true mark of the beast. The mismanaged and botched and ever increasing madness of the “vaccine” program is training them not to. But the unsaved will of course take the beast mark just as they took the jab and push the jab and insist they stick it into 6 month old babies just for good measure. Hopefully many can be saved, but many won’t be.
So we are at an interesting crossroads. The expected military mandatory jab announcement tomorrow is the first BIG test. For despite what the lying media tells you, it is mostly the young (not Republicans only) who are not willing to be guinea pigs and rightly so. Will this be a market peak moment? Will this be the point where the market realizes the country, and indeed the world, is committing national suicide at a scale never before seen? Can the military, already stretched thin, still be a military even if they lose only 15%? Or 10%? How many will be vaccine injured? How will they attract new recruits?? How would that work out? For the US military is the unquestioned peacekeeper of the planet. A severely weakened military due to social unrest and rapid depletion in the ranks is itself an open invitation for outside aggression. Is this the purpose why China vax-coded this abomination of a shot and uploaded the code to an eager greedy Big Pharma that was willing to sell out their countries for a few more yachts? But of course it was.
So yes, at some point, at some tipping point, the market will realize that mandatory vaccinations of an abomination of a shot is massively deflationary. And note how I said abomination. Had this shot been just another so-so regular flu shot, something they made for decades that didn’t cause massive damage (although that has changed too), I wouldn’t be blogging about it as much for sure. Heck, I probably would have sucked it up too and taken the shot. But then again, it was never meant to be like that. Which is proof that this whole thing was planned exactly this way. They so desperately wanted the mRNA products approved but they never could get it because they were too dangerous and all the trials failed miserably. And they certainly wanted the uptake of graphene oxide which was a bonus for the transhumanists. So they got their plandemic just as the Global tyrannists – planned – all along.
And other stakeholders get what they want. The techno geeks get their 5G “internet of everything wet dream”. The global fascist overlords get the destruction of the white middle classes of the western-style democracies for they are the only faction in the world which are a real danger of pushback and counter-revolution. The climatistas get their climate lockdowns. The corporate whore CEO’s get to buy up all the out-of-business mom and pops and enrich their status and bank accounts. The petty wannabe tyrants of the world – of which there are millions – get to practice their tyranny and move up the promotion ladder. The factions are endless.
So as you can see, every faction has been just about fully captured, paid off, and/or compromised. From the Pope himself who was an active evil participant, to the local Karen who, cursing and disparaging religion, gets to boss the neighbors around who she doesn’t like. To the media whores who gets an extra paycheck for pushing the deadly jab and lying about it. So the capturing of various worldwide stakeholders is obvious to anyone watching. It is a fascist takeover that much is clear. Yet there are almost too many factions to keep happy. In fact I estimate the happiness is “peaking” and the stock market perfectly reflects that.
So what now? Well, the unvaccinated like me wait, keep preaching the Gospel, and continue to watch for the signs. As I explained in yesterday’s post, the dream of a great global utopia WILL NOT HAPPEN under the direction of mankind, for we are all too flawed and sinful and greedy to be able to pull such a thing off. So no fear. There will be war first. Civil wars. Nation against nation. And it will wholly blindside almost everyone on the planet. Even if you do not believe in bible end of times prophecy events, surely you can see that the globalists will fail. A massive social mood downturn will ensure of it.
Does this mean the good guys will win? No! Of course not, the final direction toward massive worldwide evil, well that ship has long since sailed. A world at war will be an unpleasant thing. The good guys can win though on a local scale if such a thing is possible. But that gets into a prepper/survivalist essay, one that I will never blog about too much at least not yet. For all we really need to do to prep is get right with Jesus or get saved by believing in him if you are not yet saved. A massive financial collapse, absence any of the commentary above, will seal the deal.
That which cannot go on, won’t.
And that’s about where we are at.
We are setup again for a perfect strike toward Fib Sequence #24 of 46,368. And I had mentioned about 2 weeks ago that a perfect finish at an angelic SPX 4444 would perfectly bookend the satanic 666 of the March 2009 low. Watch for that strike price to get a heavy sell signal.

The CPCE moving average “stack” is perfectly flipped for a big move upwards. All the bets of the big players are in place and ready to pull the rug out on the massively leveraged retail trader. July saw a big handoff from the strong hands to the weak.

A kid with a ruler. It is an awfully steep unbroken rise. And massively overbought on the monthly scale.