The dam may be breaking as the alternative media are finally focusing on the key question of the century: Is Covid-19 “virus” real and provable? I of course have been hammering for a while now that this should be the focus which is why I have made it one of my main focuses on this blog. If it is not provable in a court of law, the whole “plandemic” falls apart. Things such as the lab leak theory keeps the idea of a “virus” alive which is why it was let off its leash by the media gatekeepers.
Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby on the case here. I knew everything they were talking about already. But at least its getting attention finally.
Spacebusters had already explained it all on their channel here. Watch their 3 great videos (Church of Virotology, Covid-19 in 19 minutes, and Germ Theory) if you wish to explore more on how the voodoo virologists do their sorcery in the lab and how it is all bullshit.
Jon Rappaport of course does not subscribe to virus theory of contagion he has been doing this for over 30 years investigating AIDS and discovered HIV is a fraud also (Fauci involved of course). He has another article here.
The great Dr. Tom Cowan also does not believe in virus theory of contagion as it is not provable, watch some podcast interviews here. Watch the first one with Dr. Andy Kaufman (who also does not believe in virus theory of contagion).
Dr. David Martin also doesn’t believe in virus theory of contagion, that much is clear to me at least. He is the great patent hunter and has exposed the medical treasonous fraud.
Now if we can just keep hammering on this one point that the SARS-COV-2 virus was NEVER isolated (and to be truthful NO virus has ever really been isolated), people may come to their sanity one at a time. Even if you can’t make the jump to divest in virus theory of contagion, MAKE THEM PROVE THE COVAIDS VIRUS ACTUALLY EXISTS.
Look, we once knew that the modern “vaccine” industry from the start (100+ years ago) was always a fraud. Here is the book “The Medical Voodoo” by Annie Hale from 1935 and she talks about the fraud of the smallpox vaccines and all the other allopathic medical voodoo.
Click download button for each.
And in 1957 a great book called “The Poisoned Needle” by Eleanor McBean exposed the fraud of the Salk Polio vaccine. Of course “common knowledge” of today empathically states that if it weren’t for these wonderful “vaccines”, we would still have polio and smallpox. But we do still have those disease expressions. They just stopped calling them polio (now its called Gillian Barre Syndrome or spinal meningitis or whatever). They changed the name of smallpox to now chickenpox and other such skin poxes such as measles. Like I said voodoo. They keep the hoax going to capture and lock you into a permanent mind trap for profits, power and control.
And again a more modern book exposing all the “plandemics” since the 1970’s called Virus Mania. These German investigators also do not subscribe to virus theory of contagion either.
So you have plenty of resources to FREE yourself from the shackle of Big Pharma/ Big Medicine. I have, and I tell you it is liberating. Will I ever get sick? Of course! But it will not be from some voodoo magical mystery dead dust floating through the air from someone else’s cough. Besides, I believe and trust in Jesus and if I am meant to get sick, then so be it. If I get too toxic, I will detoxify. I hope not too and try and treat my body right and limiting toxin intake such as coffee, alcohol, sugar (I’m mostly low carb), I don’t smoke, and I don’t take any medicine pills ever. It’s a start anyway (I have been slacking on exercise).
And then learn what REALLY causes all disease here, toxemia.
I HIGHLY recommend you investigate everything you can! At the very least, all the material is well done and great reads.
Oh so close huh? The Wilshire peak of 46,245 today is within 99.73 of Fib Sequence #24 of 46,368. I expect it to get even closer to within 99.9%. And we have one more potential thrust as today’s wave action formed a small wave iv triangle and a Monday thrust up open would be perfect. Then sell this rotten market. Hard. Forever and ever.