Ok, being that this is an Elliott Wave site and Elliott Wave theory is based on Fibonacci numbers more or less, I’d like to expound a bit on the thirteenth Fibonacci sequence # 233 a bit more. First, this Friday the 13th is 8/13/21, which of course a Fibonacci date (8, 13, 21). And Friday the 13th is obviously a superstitious day in of itself.
233 ends with “33” which is of course the highest level a Freemason can attain (as far as we know). If you have 5 hours, you can watch this Freemason’s Insider video at the end of Brian Shilhavy’s post if you are not up to speed on the nefarious inner workings of Freemasonry and the outward allegiance “celebrities” display toward it by using signs and symbols. From what I understand according to the video I linked, you can theoretically be a “Christian” level 32 Freemason, but not a level 33. Your allegiance would have to switch to Lucifer and worship Satan but if your saved of course that would not be possible. But watch the video, it’ll be shocking to some of you even if you thought you knew it all.
The idea that the Satanists have an “ethical” requirement to tell us what they are doing/planning is probably true even if it’s in the form of “predictive programming”.
If this blogpost doesn’t prove that we are being scammed by the globalists, AND they laugh at us at the same time by making this stuff so obvious; if this doesn’t seal the deal that this ENTIRE thing has been a scam including the so-called “vaccine”, then I no longer know how to convince you.
Yes people have certainly gotten sick from something in a certain percentage of “covid” cases. I have explained why on many occasions on my blog. Jon Rappaport explains it numerous times most recently here. Most of the sicknesses were of the normal sort recategorized as “Covid” because even the dumb ones now know what a scam the 76% “false positive” PCR test is (and not only that, did you know they did and do “pool” testing? – i.e. test 8-10 covid tests out of a stack of 100+ and just weight the results). Approximately 5 -10% of the “real” (unexplained) covid cases the short answer is chemical and/or RF poisoning . I covered that somewhat here.
Incidentally didn’t anyone ever think of why anti-parasitic medicines such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are effective with supposed “covid”? Think about that real deep and hard and study up on those medicines. The “standard” answer you have all supposed is not correct. That is all I can say on that at this moment, it’s not the purpose of this blog post.
But so far, the website I linked above found 75 “headlines” using the thirteenth Fibonacci sequence #233 stating they added “233 covid cases”. Of course, this goes beyond obvious media collusion, it signals a deeper evil.
As I have stated many times, the Luciferians will always make it known what their plans are. It is part of their ritual.
The globalists do this on PURPOSE of course to GASLIGHT us all and then at the same time their lying media whores get on TV and online day after day telling us to mask up, vaxx up, and shut up. And I’m the crazy one…right! Go get your booster fool!
And yes, I did a search of “233 Covid cases” (duckduckgo) and took these snips myself. Many of them are very recent so they are still gaslighting us. The snips below I searched myself. All of the headlines use the Thirteenth Fibonacci Sequence #233 (and of course the evil 33 number from Freemasonry), there were a lot more, but I stopped for my own sanity’s sake.

This one is on the lead sentence: