As many readers may know, I do not subscribe to Germ (virus) theory of contagion. There is no proof. It has all been a scam on the public for over 100 years and it has been extremely profitable and extremely useful in controlling populations all in the name of “health”. I am convinced that people like Fauci also, long ago, realize that virus theory of contagion is false thus making a “bioweapon” from a “virus” next to impossible. Last week I posted a bunch of reasons why we get sick. I’ll summarize things from a different way in this post.
In short, sickness is the result of your internal terrain as Dr. Robert Young has so vigorously studied for his entire career. Almost all disease is caused by the (poor) quality of what you eat, what you drink, lack of exercise, lack of sun (vitamin D), mental stress, and environmental stress and any other factors that contribute to a toxic internal terrain. I think everyone can agree that this makes complete sense. Yet this is where most people leave things.
Once a human body starts on the path of self-destruction by indulging in unhealthy patterns which wrecks the internal terrain and optimal PH balance, we start to express disease in many forms in an effort to cleanse the body of the toxins that have built up. If the toxins are released via the skin, we have many names for the various expressions. If the toxins are released via the lungs, we also have many names for those. Disorders of the organs are the result of the body’s effort to rid yourself of these toxins and we have plenty of names for those expressions based on the symptoms. The main point being that all disease is caused by toxic buildup and then a resulting disease is your body trying to cure itself. Cancer is the ultimate end stage in that your body is losing the fight.
All that makes fairly good sense yes? Yet when we get disease the first things we do is take toxic Big Pharma drugs and/or surgical removal. The cure is often hit or miss. But it certainly is profitable. The entire key to having a healthy life is to eat healthy food, drink healthy water, exercise, get plenty of natural sunlight, manage stress levels, stay away from any forms of jabs of any kind (again they are poisons and a scam) and do not take pharmaceutical drugs of any kind (try a homeopath doctor). Again, everyone can probably agree on these principles. They certainly make sense yes? Unfortunately we can do everything in our power to maintain a healthy terrain, yet we are fighting a losing effort due to our environment which we have little control over. And that’s where the greedy bastards responsible for a healthy environment come into the picture.
They have been spraying our skies with nanoparticles for at least a decade, certainly longer. For what purpose? At this point the only thing that matters is the steady accumulation of these clouds of nano- particles have reached the point where we are living on polluted terrain full of nearly invisible particles that we are breathing, eating, and drinking in larger and larger quantities as time goes on. Our food and water supplies are poisoned as a result as it falls on fields of grass fed to animals, in our rivers and streams. Even the so called “organic” food supplies are poisoned as a result. People are in denial, but yes, they are spraying you and your children. And I am sure the latest and greatest nanoparticle – graphene oxide – has been introduced into the mix over the last few years in great quantities.
Additionally, RF radiation in microwave forms of 4G+ and 5G+ and higher are now bombarding the planet at an exponential rate of infrastructure buildup. We cannot even escape them because Elon Musk insists on saturating the low earth orbits with plans for up to 72,000 satellites! There are some 1,800 in place I think at the moment. People do not realize how harmful these frequencies are to the human body. And everything is wi-fi needless to say.
With all that said, what are in these vaccines? Again, Dr. Robert Young has vigorously examined all of them. Interview with Stew Peters here. He backs up the theory that many of the “Covid” cases, those which do not fall into the normal category of normal disease expressions, are caused by RF radiation poisoning (Dr. José Luis Sevillano explains how vaccinated individuals are being irradiated from the outside and the inside – ORWELL CITY.) Of course if you have a buildup of graphene oxide in your body, it will resonate the frequencies and accelerate any symptom into a potentially deadly outcome.
But what sticks in my brain is that Dr. Young shows that he has found a parasite – specifically Trypanosoma cruzi – which causes Chagas disease. It brings me back to the hint I dropped a few weeks back on wondering why anti-parasitic drugs such as Ivermectin and HCQ are effective against “covid-19”. You are beginning to make the connection I think.
Fauci and the evil cabal building these bioweapons cannot and never could make a “virus” weapon. “Viruses” are simply dead cell debris concocted fraudulently in a lab. As I said, they have been trying for decades and when have they ever succeeded in creating a virus bioweapon? If germ theory is false – again I suspect the top scientists involved with these bioweapons efforts know this to be true – then what other biological agent could they manipulate to get people sick? The obvious answer is parasites. Parasites are living organisms and might require level 4-type controls whereas “virus” dead cell debris does not.
Yet parasites are also a poor lifeform of choice for a purposefully built contagious bioweapon disease. To get Chagas disease you have to be bitten by a “kissing bug”. Or, as in the case of the vaccines, injected into your bloodstream. Did they add this parasite to the vaccine as a “kitchen sink” approach into making these things as long-term deadly as possible? I would say yes. The parasites were an afterthought I suppose. I don’t really know, I am just thinking out loud here and it all goes back to the central question of why does anti-parasitic medicines provide relief for many “covaids” cases? The answer to me is obvious since I believe germ theory of contagion is false. There may be some parasitic element involved. Certainly if Trypanosoma cruzi are involved, one has to wonder what else may be involved.
Of course the media has been denigrating Ivermectin (and last year it was HCQ) relentlessly because they are ordered too. Makes it obvious they are effective! This is partly because they need to keep up the charade that the “vaccines” are our only hope and thus the mass propaganda campaign has been effective on a huge segment of the population.
At any rate, is it clear by now to those on the fence that they are indeed trying to kill us? Hospitals have become “no-go” zones for the wise. If you get sick and the fraud PCR test comes back “positive”, you’re gambling your life on going to a hospital unless you know someone there you can trust. Otherwise the “covaids” protocols in place are designed to kill you. Or at least get you on a ventilator to collect the $39,000 per patient the hospitals are receiving. The horror stories are coming fast and furious. Just hang out on Bitchute or Brighteon, or even Rumble and you will run across many whistleblowers.
I have a 6 pack of Horse paste Ivermectin in reserve. I also have a well-stocked cooler of diet Polar tonic water (my favorite). I emailed Polar last year and they confirmed that each liter contains about 72 mg of quinine. Believe it or not, that is a medicinal dose considering the pills we take are almost always overdosed anyway. Remember quinine was the world’s first wonder drug and it was a natural homeopathic as it came from the bark of a tree. It has wonderful anti-fever properties. If I ever get a fever, it is the first thing I’ll do is chug a liter of Diet polar. And you’ll get the benefit of hydrating although water is best for that. Be thoughtful with tonic water as it has a narrow medicinal range. As in all things homeopathic the least is best to be effective.
The fact that parasites were found in a vaccine doesn’t surprise me, yet when I think about it, it again confirms to me we are headed fast towards Daniel’s 70th week. It is evil on a scale so grand that not many can see through the fog. It just boggles the mind so most people will reject it. Satan knows how our minds work which is why he deceives so easily. There is a mass demonic spell over the whole earth and only the saved to Jesus Christ will be able to navigate it with any clarity. And even that is a challenge as our own churches are teaching false end-times doctrines for decades. It’s going to be an absolute mess.
And just what evil is happening in Australia? Truckers are fighting back and you won’t here that on the news.
Internals were a bit on the heavy side today. I’ll post the wedge count again and see where we land tomorrow.

If you don’t like the wedge count above, this count is more than acceptable also.

The DJIA did not (yet) finish its pattern and it is in extreme danger of completely breaking down. If it is “truncated” as shown, it should be very bearish. To make a new high from this pattern it would take a 600 point surge which could happen of course yet the sluggish pattern suggests otherwise.

We haven’t yet broken underneath a key wave marker line just yet and there exists a valid count that takes us higher. But it seems contrived which is why it is posted last.