Update: 7:42 EST, I added a few paragraphs in the middle.
The pre-tribulation rapture is completely false doctrine and very few understand The Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ of the Bible. I explained in depth that the primary reason is that modern evangelical Christians and many others view the establishing of modern Israel as being a blessing of God and today’s modern antichrist, Jesus-hating Jews walking the earth are thus blessed and are special. Wrong! Modern Israel born in 1948 was a spawn of Satan and God allowed it as part of the end plans of the world. Satan has been deceiving the world since he tricked Eve into eating of the apple. Judaism is being gathered to be burned as tares as God hates that religion. Jesus hated the Pharisees and Sadducees 2000 years ago and nothing has changed. Modern Israel is nothing but modern Pharisees and Sadducees. If we want to get them saved, they must hear the truth.
The simple truth is God will utterly destroy the false antichrist religions of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheists, and any other “ism” and any other unsaved so-called Christians of questionable denominations including Mormons, many Catholics and anyone who merely is going through the motions but do not actually have faith on Jesus let alone that he was resurrected. That is the truth. Either you get right with Jesus Christ, or you will have the door shut when the time of rescue comes. And you will burn in hell. That is truth. And yes, God hates sodomy.
We Christians are of spiritual Israel. A remnant of Jews, 7000 in Jesus’s time, continued on in faith in the spirit of Israel, founded the new spiritual nation – Christianity – and spread the Gospel all over the earth. All Christians that came after have been born of that spirit. Think of the spiritual nation of Israel as ALL believers that ever lived because that is the truth.
The Apostle Paul (and Jesus in many parables) used the analogy of a tree that is rooted and its unfruitful branches (unbelievers) are cut off and the fruitful ones (believers) grafted in. We are all born of Abraham’s seed which was Jesus Christ. Jesus was the seed, and the root and first fruit. The nation of old testament Israel is special to God and he made them a peculiar people and made a great nation that God used to bring forth the first fruits of that tree: Jesus Christ. The nation of Israel of the old testament was the root and trunk and branches of the spiritual nation that has come out of it. Yet most of Israel at Jesus’s time was unfaithful, those branches were broken off and the branches of the Gentiles were grafted in. We continued that tree growth into a new spiritual tree.
An analogy would be to think of Abraham as the trunk of the tree that grew to become the spiritual nation of Israel. God used Abraham to bring forth Jesus Christ. Think of Abraham as the trunk and brought forth the 12 tribes of Israel and they were the first branches of the tree. All faithful in the old testament looked forward and had to have faith toward the eventual coming of the Messiah (Jesus). Even in old testament times, branches were cut off when the 12 tribes started to go in unbelief and slowly got absorbed into heathen religions. By the time of Christ only one main tribe remained – those of the tribe of Juda and thus that is where the name “Jews” came to be. There were certainly other remnants of other tribes at the time, but the original 12 tribes were broken and scattered. So you can see the tree already had branches cut off even before Christ was born! In fact, the tree was rotting and in danger of dying and Jesus came just in time to breath new life into the world.
When Jesus came on the scene he preached to every town in Judaea, to every living Jew at the time to give them a chance to continue the faith of God, to continue on in that tree and spring forth new branches. 7,000 did keep the faith and from that branch, they went out and taught the gospel to all the world. Christians are born of that remnant. The fact of the matter is that by the time of Jesus most of Israel was already a mostly unfaithful nation. They were on their final days. They had fallen into unbelief well before Jesus. Its not like they were following the Mosaic law and just happened to “test” Jesus and he failed. NO! They already had not the Father and thus could not comprehend the Son.
But some did continue to have faith in God and believed in the prophets and believed that Jesus was the Messiah and the tree grew again new branches. And even new branches can be cut off if they cannot bear fruit and even old branches that were cut off can be grafted back in again if they bear good fruit. Paul taught this in Romans 11. Does God have a soft spot for the original nation of Israel who he guided for many centuries? Of course! Will they be brought back to the Holy Lands to fulfill his promises? YES of course – after their resurrection at the Second Coming of Jesus!
The rapture is the resurrection that includes all old testament faithful Israelites, ALL SAVED OF ALL TIME (yes Adam too!) and when Jesus Christ establishes his 1000 year Kingdom on earth who do you think will rule from the modern land areas of Israel and the surrounding lands? The old testament saints! The 12 tribes WILL be reunited and will live again in their promised land. Is this not obvious?
The old covenant (testament) emphasized a people, genealogy, a race, a nation, to bring forth Jesus and Godly righteousness unto the world. That was God’s will and plan for that time. Yet even in old testament times, an outsider heathen could be grafted in as long as they took on the faith. Once Jesus was here, genealogy, race, and nation became irrelevant. The NEW covenant (testament!) commanded we ignore genealogy as God knew it no longer had any purpose for his will. 66 generations after the birth of Christ do you think that race or genealogy matters? For the bible teaches us we are all of one blood and after 7.6 billion people on this earth, we all have a connection – genealogy-wise- to Abraham as much as anyone else. That is simply reality and science.
How ridiculous of Pastors who say things like “Oh God knows who the 144,000 are, he’ll pick them from the living Jews”. That is so ignorant it is no wonder today’s Christians are appointed to go through tribulation as such as never has been before or will ever be. Not only that, it goes against the core belief that God has given us FREE WILL and that we must hear and believe the Word of God and then have faith to be saved. “God will pick them” smacks of Calvinism and a salvation that is not taught in the bible anywhere. Or the argument that “the 144,000 will preach to them and save them”. Again, Judaism is no more loved by God than is Islam, he hates them both. And a bunch of Caucasian descendants of those who converted to Judaism in the 1700 and 1800’s in Europe now having migrated to Israel is not a “special people, a special race, a special nation” any more than the Chinese or North Koreans or Americans for that matter. It’s willfully ignorant preaching to be honest. It is Satan at work and he managed to corrupt Corporate Christianity to the core. Oh how deceived and confused will today’s churchgoers be when our promised early rapture (preached by Pastors) does not come to pass!
Will any living Jews in Israel be saved in God’s wrath period? I don’t know, the bible doesn’t emphasize any that get saved once Jesus shuts the door at his Second Coming. Again, almost EVERY pastor teaches that multitudes get saved but really they have to say that to make their Revelation false doctrine “work”. If anything, as I stated before, Revelation makes it a point on two occasions to tell the reader that they STILL REFUSED to repent while God was sending stinging locusts and poisoning the water and burning up the forests and green grass. Jesus certainly made many parables about how once the MASTER gets home, and finds unworthy servants he will toss them out, lock them out, close the door on them. And remember, God casts a strong delusion on those left behind so that they can choke on the lies of the devil.
My best guess is that 7000 in Israel gets saved by the preaching of God’s 2 witnesses left also on earth. The purpose of the 144,000 may only be to WARN unbelievers not to take the mark, and they may be dispersed throughout the earth or maybe not. Maybe that is all the unsaved are capable of doing at this time, running from the antichrist and avoiding the mark so that they will survive and live into the millennium.
1 Corinthians 15 tells us about the three resurrections. Jesus Christ was the first fruits.
22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.
24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
Again there is only ONE rapture and resurrection (called the first resurrection in Revelation Chapter 20) prior to the Millennial kingdom and it is at Christ’s Second Coming, a little after the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, after the antichrist has gained complete power over the earth. ALL the saints (saved) who ever lived on earth, including Adam, Noah, Eve, Abraham, King David, etc. will be resurrected and given new bodies along with our dead saved grandmother and then those who remain alive will be caught up in the clouds. This is exactly when the 144,000 of the 12 tribes of Israel will be delivered to earth as explained yesterday. And they will be REAL old testament Israelites in REAL resurrected glorified bodies.
Remember, Satan is at the TOP of his game folks. The devil has us all giving reverence to the modern antichrist religion of Judaism which causes us to malign so much basic doctrine of the bible that it must be very disheartening to Jesus himself. There is no truth in “Judeo-Christian” terminology, I want nothing to do with Judaism! He who has not the Son, has not the Father. Folks, Jews do not worship the same God as Christians do that is from Jesus himself. They worship Moloch. They may not know it, but that’s the way it works and has always worked. Islam thinks they worship the one true God, they don’t have the Son either and thus also not the Father. Islam doesn’t have the concept of the Trinity anyway. They worship Moloch too even if they think they don’t.
Islam uses the threat of violence to keep its followers in line and to intimidate anyone who speaks bad of the religion. Judaism does it through propaganda, and control of the worldwide media and much of the Western monetary financial system. Hey, money is the root of all evil just as the bible says. It is hard to convert followers of either religion because they are so prejudiced against Jesus being the Messiah to begin with. But giving lip service to these wicked religions in the name of “peace” does nothing to reveal the truth: Jesus is going to destroy many of the followers of those wicked religions in the coming Wrath of God period. Again, that is truth, that is bible, that is the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Even Pastors will privately admit, yes, this will be the outcome, but they have not the guts to say it out loud. I don’t hate Muslims and Jews, I love them and wish them to be saved to Jesus! We can take a loving approach, but at this stage of Satan’s worldwide campaign of deception, FEAR can also be a very useful tool. The unbelievers should be shaking in fear and asking how they can be saved. Or if you call yourself a Christian and are not sure, make sure!
I speak this truth so as to give testimony that we should FEAR Jesus Christ, he is KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS. Revelation Chapter 19:
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
That is the Word of God! That is the power of scripture! Hear it and believe!
And the armies behind him will be all the saved of the world. We each get our own horse and this is when we come out of heaven down to earth to begin our 1000 year rule and reign with Jesus Christ our Lord and King. It’s going to be great!
One bit of Covid commentary, the corporations haven’t yet budged yet on mass mandates as they are likely balking somewhat and need cover of the White House first. That is coming tomorrow with a renewal of pressure on the “unvaccinated”.
These 2 charts sums it up. Note the alt. Daily shows that volume is picking up. Summer is over.

The entire thing looks ripe for a crash. For is this is an extended wave (5) as labeled, it is overextended and thus exhausted.