Elliott Wave Update ~ 13 Oct 2021


Can the world experience the tribulation of mankind without panic and collapsing markets? No, I certainly think not. For the stock market is a reflection of social mood, yet it can be “faked” for a while. The current highs are an abomination to God. A big fat lie, and God hates lies and liars.

Regardless of stock market moves, we can see the manifestations of man through the inequity of mankind. Has love waxed cold? I certainly think so. The world is now in the phase where innocent people are being “terminated” from society for not submitting to the “blood sacrifice jab” of the evil reprobates ruling the world. At the moment we, the holdouts, are locked out of society, an inability to work and live freely, and to worship God as we deem appropriate. The world’s overlord, Satan, the King of Lies, has given marching orders to all those that have positions of authority. There is no righteous institution left on this earth. Even most of the churches are corrupted to the very core and preach false doctrine that only results in helping the dark forces of this world.

I lament greatly. I try and save people but their hearts are hardened to the Word of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. These are the “vaccinated” who have bought their ticket to ride – a molten, golden calf – a great untruth leading to the path of unrighteousness. We are surely shifting into the tribulation of mankind, we can surely feel it.

What can we do? Hold True! That is what I say! I will not run, or move to another state or try and hide from Satan. For those that are BOLD and TRUE to the Word of God will be protected. I PRAY they I will not be overcome during the tribulation and that I can make it to the Rapture alive. Only boldness will prevail. I am NOT going to hide in a wilderness waiting for Jesus to come for that is a great shame that I would have to endure when the day of redemption comes. I will stay where I live and let the chips fall where I may and try and save more souls to Christ during the very hard times to come. For I want to meet Jesus in gladness, not shame.

All the same, I have guns, ammo, food, fuel and such and I will pray that I am protected of the coming storm of the end of days as we know it. Jesus didn’t teach us to be a fool. We are armed with the Armor of God and the steel of a sword in our hand. Regardless, we must endure to the end and have righteous faith in Jesus, our Protector.


Best count at the moment.