Matthew 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
That’s how I feel.
I just got told to get the jab by 24 November or lose my job. Of course I will not get the jab ever. I have a good paying job, I do great work, yet I am discarded like a piece of limp lettuce off a stale sandwich; an afterthought with no regard. Yet, even though I knew it was coming, it hurts. And now I am virtually unemployable.
I have great anger yet great joy at the same time. I know this is the beginning of sorrows. The beginning of the persecution of the Godly, the Righteous, those who will endure for Jesus until the end. Do I consider myself Godly? Heck no! I can only pray and hope! For I am a great sinner and have much to repent for daily. Yet all the same I know I am saved nonetheless despite my sinful flesh. As unrighteous as my life has been, I know that great rewards comes to those that have faith to endure to the end. I have faith on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And I sense Jesus suggested that I stock up on food, gas, guns, ammo, cash, and so I have. Maybe not even for me, but for others who may need.
Joy! Do not hate thine enemies but do hate the wicked reprobates who hate God!
Best guess count.

Hey, bonds are going to be the downfall of mankind. It is the root of all evil.

30 year non log:

And log scale here: