I provided a timeline based on solving of Daniel’s 70th week being on 21 September 2028. I based my timeline on the below chart:

Yes, this timeline chart (see next pic below) is presumptuous. Yes, it is predicting specific things. And yes, we have to have a word of caution. But it is based on scriptural interpretation of the bible.
For instance we don’t know how the Four Horses of the Apocalypse will unfold. Will they unfold all at once? Or are they spread out? I took a conservative approach, for the KEY question we have at this stage is “What is the next prophetic event concerning the end times?” And that is all this chart is really attempting to answer.
Your local Pastor will tell you “the rapture is the next prophetic biblical event and it can happen at any time.” This is false doctrine!
The one MAIN THING we should see is WAR first before the rapture. War at a very large scale involving many nations. Not necessarily all-out nuclear war although that is certainly possible. Mass nuclear weapons use comes right before the Battle of Armageddon in 2028 in the nuking of the United States and Rome (both are Babylon in my opinion).
The next possible thing we may see is the “daily sacrifice” of goats and rams start up again in Israel. And NO, the third Jewish temple does not have to be rebuilt for this to happen. They already have a mobile platform available and ready to do such things. They just wheel it up to the stupid wall they have there. There is a predicted date for that and it is 5 June 2022. Will this be a public thing? I would assume but we really don’t know. I am not counting on this “prophetic event” to be public or even a requirement. As far as I know, they will sacrifice live babies to Satan to usher in the Antichrist in private.
Regardless we should see mass war no later than a year from now. That is the basic premise of if we are in the 70th week or not. It sure seems so to me. The worldwide “vaccine campaign” is a foreshadow of the real mark of the beast campaign to begin when the Antichrist gains total power.
So again, the bible teaches us we must see certain signs, with mass war being a prerequisite. No war, no tribulation. I give it a year or so at the most. My bet is that it occurs sooner rather than later. I’ll be the first to admit that if we have no war, and no resulting famine, and no mass death, we are not in the tribulation yet.
Ultimately we look forward to the resurrection/rapture.
And of course the Millennial Kingdom and Jesus fulfilling the 3 fall feasts.
But I think we are in the tribulation and it is a matter of time before the entire Ponzi scheme collapses. We are already seeing signs of massive stress on the global system. things are coming apart at the seams and people are starting to rise up. Biden is mentally invalid and Poo bear is ready to pounce on Taiwan which will spark a global war that in turn will spark a global financial system collapse if not vice versa. It doesn’t take much to disrupt the globally connected supply system, famine can come quicker than most realize. Venezuela is and was our example for that.

Roller coaster market. The count has been tweaked again to align with the best count at the moment. The best count would be a [i]-[ii], (i)-(ii). This would imply the next move is lower taking us to lower lows to form the next subwave i.
The count also implies futures will possible go negative at the open and create a gap down opening. The follow-through of today’s closing candle.

For those that are looking for a “bullish option”, The best count is i-ii, [1]-[2], UP which seems contrived. But if the market goes higher than last week instead of lower than last week, its the best count at the moment. It would be an “upside surprise” moment. Again, we are at the mercy of overnight futures and the manipulation thereof.