There really is no “commentary” possible at this point concerning anything that is not of God and of the Word, the Truth, of Jesus. The lies have gotten so compounded, you may have noticed I don’t even try and argue anymore the point of what a scam the “vaccine campaign” is. I assume at this point that even the casual reader can discern that the world has simply gone mad at this point. But again, as one who is a bible-believing Christian, this is called the gift of spiritual discernment. This is the gift of God, an ability that anyone who is saved to our Lord Jesus Christ can read and understand biblical truths. Therefore, those that are not saved cannot possibly understand anything as truth. Thus, they cannot understand or gain anything spiritually from the bible. And as a result, since they do not believe the bible as the Truth, they believe the lies of the world as ruled by Satan.
Such as the lie of the “vaccine” campaign.
Therefore, the truth of the matter is that those who do not believe the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, will not believe anything I blog about. They seem to only believe their own version of reality and all its many lies. And although I have written books worth of words of all the fraud of this world over the last 12 years, the only fraud left worth blogging about is the lies of the Covid-19 “vaccinations”.
So if you are a reader of my blog, and yet are confused on a constant basis, the simple fact is that you are probably not saved to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. That means you do not truly believe. And I am sad for that. And wish to change that!
Here is the way to understanding: The Romans Road to Salvation – For the Gospel
And personally, I can very well feel the devastating effects of the madness all around. I know I have never talked much about my job, but I will tell you I am a highly paid technician in a highly skilled job . My days are numbered as a result of the “mandate”, and sadly to say, there is – in reality – nobody behind me that can replace what I do. And my loss of a job may very well have a profound effect on national security. But I can assure you, they probably don’t care. You can multiply this by many thousands. It will take a super major toll on our national status. And that, as an insider, I can promise.
We are on the rapid decline as a nation and that is on purpose from my angle, for what else am I to think? They toss me overboard despite my unreplaceable skills. All due to a lack of fealty to a religious blood ritual of taking the jab. That is all that it is. A ritual of fealty at this point, and I refuse.