If you have been reading this blog, I have advocated that the famous Daniel’s 70 weeks of years prophecy has been “unlocked” by a dispensationalist; C.J. Lovik in his wonderful video here. I need to be clear though, I do NOT subscribe to dispensationalist teachings. It is a FALSE doctrine, and unfortunately dispensationalist teachings infected all the churches decades ago, particularly since the creation of modern day fake nation of Israel in 1948. If you want a solid take on dispensationalism and why it is such a harmful false doctrine watch this documentary here. Or Pastor Anderson’s sermon here.
Dispensational teachings was the work of the devil. It resulted in 2 major doctrines in Christianity that has given great advantage to Satan for the end times:
1. It exalted the Jews back into being somehow “God’s chosen people”. It teaches that the “Church age” is a timeout and God will get back to dealing with the Jews during Daniel’s 70th week. That is false. Instead watch this to get the correct bible view – Replacement Theology.
2. As a result of the above, the Pre-tribulation rapture became a prominent teaching which teaches that all the “church age” will be whisked away before the final 7 years and that the 7 year period (which they incorrectly call only the “tribulation”) is “only for the Jews”. It’s a retarded doctrine yet 95% of Christians believe it.
The pre-trib rapture – when it doesn’t happen as 1000’s of Pastor’s have promised – will leave Christianity in a total state of confusion. The devil is laughing. This sets up weak Christianity for total confusion and possible acceptance (for those who aren’t saved) and even promotion of the Antichrist, who comes before Jesus Christ. See this 22 part Revelation series if you want to know the correct end-times bible teachings.
I blog about the correct dividing of truth in the post-trib/pre-wrath rapture here.
Additionally, by falsely exalting Jesus-hating, Talmud-believing, Satanic-worshipping Judaism has resulted in the adherents of that religion and all it’s cultish offshoots such as Freemasonry, to gain and control all positions of total power in all the earth. From total control of the global financial system, mass media, Fortune 500 corporations, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, university’s and colleges, science institutions, and all governmental positions at all levels all over the world. There are no true Christians (only fake) left running anything in the world which is why the end times are approaching quickly as we descend into a modern global Sodom and Gomorrah.
For 1800+ years, Jews were hated and kicked out of hundreds of countries for mainly two reasons 1) They were cursed by God because they are of the spirit of antichrist and hostile to the Gospel of Jesus Christ 2) Predatory lending practices. Then came dispensational doctrine, then the Scofield reference bible, and it was off and running. The creation of modern Israel in 1948 sealed the deal and most Pastors think this is somehow fulfillment of old testament prophecies. False! Regardless, here we are, it’s all too late anyway. The end times is “teed” up for the Antichrist and modern corporate Christianity helped achieve the devil’s goal. We have a complete generation of Christians who have no clue on end times prophecy and we have the #1 Antichrist religion of Judaism ushering in Satan, the Antichrist and False Prophet.
Thanks Darby and Scofield! *sarcasm off*
Ok, back to my original point of me liking C.J. Lovik’s video I linked above despite being from a dispensationalist that believes in the pre-trib rapture. Why would God reveal this most sought-after prophecy to a person who believes in a major false doctrine of the pre-trib rapture that teaches Christians will be “out of here” and not have to face the Antichrist? Well, on the surface it doesn’t make sense, but it makes perfect sense to me.
The reason is this: C.J. Lovik will have to either denounce that the pre-trib rapture is false, or his 70 week prophecy “reveal” is false. Since he has made a hard target date of no later than Fall 2028 for Jesus’s Millennial Kingdom by solving the mystery of Daniel’s 70 week prophecy, and since he believes in a false pre-trib rapture doctrine that teaches he will be raptured prior to the start of 2022 (7 years prior), one or the other will turn out to be not true. I am curious what he will do…
But I think it was done on purpose by God to reveal it this way. God WANTS to show in an obvious way that dispensationalist teachings are FALSE. For one cannot hold onto both a Fall 2028 date of Jesus’s 1000 year Kingdom and a pre-trib false doctrine at the same time. By the start of 2022, logic alone will destroy belief in one or the other. Most will NOT believe the reveal and will instead STICK to their pre-trib teachings. Because Pastor’s will NOT change even if they have doubts. They are thoroughly “all in” on insisting no church members will have to ever face any end times trouble, and insist Christians will not have to face the Antichrist or the mark of the beast. Oh my, what confusion they have been spreading for decades…You can say that EVERY pre-trib rapture, dispensationalist preaching Pastor is indeed an end times false prophet. Harsh, but true.
Not only that, the Pastors (The Fox News sycophants) have been promoting wicked Judaism that now controls everything that matters. Judaism and their offshoot secret society’s such as Freemasons (as just one example, you can throw the Pope in here too) are actively ushering in the Antichrist, their “Messiah”. They are now in positions of complete power to do just that. As an example, Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, is a Satan-worshipping individual who is in a great position of power and influence. He ain’t a Christian, and he ain’t an Atheist. He is of the synagogue of Satan. I could go on all night linking to names just in the global financial system alone who are in positions of total power to effect a global financial collapse, who are NOT Christian, who are NOT Atheists. Many call themselves “Jews”, many don’t, but they all worship the same devil. But that’s not my point any longer. It is too late anyway.
So I still think C.J. Lovik DID solve Daniel’s 70th week. In a month or so, C.J. won’t know what to do or say as he has not been raptured 7 full years prior as he had probably expected. He will either doubt (correctly) the pre-trib rapture or his own reveal of prophecy by God. My bet is he will reject the reveal by God. Yes, dispensationalist teachings are so ingrained in people they can no longer discern correctly the word of God. And C.J. Lovik’s reveal will be flushed down the toilet as a result by most of the 1,6 million views it has gotten. Unfortunate, but predictable for these end times. Jesus said it would be so and it is.
But again, like I said in yesterday’s post, I am not dogmatic about it. I gave 5 clear things to look for the next event in (correct) bible prophecy based on the 21 Sep 2028 end times prophecy. Mainly major global warfare. No warfare, no 2nd seal of the tribulation. And if we don’t have the second seal, then we don’t have the tribulation. It’s that simple. I cannot push out the second seal like some cheap Elliott Wave count forever and ever. My “hard” date for major global warfare is no later than 22 Sep 2022 but realistically it should be earlier than that with 15 June 2022 as a good date that “peace is removed from the earth”. And it may be even earlier than that.
Similar setup.


The SPX has a differing look than the Wilshire 5000. And upper trendline strike today.

Back to charting the global Dow now that we have a clearer pattern:

Yesterday’s CPCE, more insan-er-er leverage. Again, there is likely a HUGE air pocket in bids if and when this thing reverses.
Remember, they cannot get their “Great Reset” and build back better (666) without first collapsing the current global world order. This is easily done by popping the bubble.

It is clear now that every index seems to be resolving its pattern. Question is, how long will the final wave fives take in price and time? Most have reached theior respective “minimum” requirements such as the DAX below.

An interesting take of the Composite in arithmetic scale to give you a sense of how insane we are. This is all evil and against God’s will. There is nothing Godly about the devil’s stock market and the fake chasing of phantom riches built on the backs of the world’s poor used as serfs. You are not looking at real wealth, you are looking at “fake” riches based on paper promises in an endless debt shell game of historic proportions. No one will escape it’s final destruction.

The NYSE has one of the more clearer counts much like the DOW. It’s a good index to use for the top alternate view that wave (5) is only peaking at “1” of (5) versus (5) itself. If that is the case, then the market will “hold” up well into the New Year.
This would align better the idea that peace will remain on this earth a while longer until Revelation’s second seal is opened and the second horse of the apocalypse is released to earth. In this case, it gives the global elites to further the implementation of global vaccine mandates, passports and controls keeping the masses at bay. But they are slowly getting out of control people are pissed off. I think they pushed everything back to 4 January as a result so that more people get the jab and become “captured” into the system.
I don’t mind another few months or half a year of peace, I am losing my job and need to get things squared away, I don’t have much money. I refuse to ever be “tested” for covid let alone “vaccinated”. So far I have kept it that way. I trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.