I’ll try to keep this post as concise as possible. The main theme of this post is to warn Christians to discard all “dispensational” biblical theology. It is a false teaching (born of Satan) introduced into mainstream Christianity and then even the bible-believing Baptist churches. It was introduced about 200 years ago and 3 men are mainly responsible for advancing it, all are no doubt burning in hell. I highly recommend you view this film to learn about it. A Dispensation of Heresy (Documentary Exposing Dispensational Theology) – YouTube
The main goal of Dispensational theology was to reform Judaism, a wicked Antichrist religion. To take the most basic truth of New Testament teachings – that Christians replaced the Jews as God’s chosen people – and flip it on its head. To promote a “dual covenant” theology that teaches today’s Jews in modern Israel are still somehow God’s chosen people and that they were gathered back to the “Holy” lands by God himself and that God has a “plan” for them during the last 7 years known as Daniel’s 70th week. This is a lie. Zionism is a lie. The Pre-trib rapture is a lie. (The rapture is biblical it is just not at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. The first resurrection/rapture is just past the mid-point) The Rapture and The 144,000 – Daneric’s Elliott Waves
Dispensationalism, Zionism, and the Pre-tribulation rapture are all tightly connected and serve each other’s purpose. Destroy one leg of the triad and the entire theology crumbles. It is more correct to say that Dispensationalism is the root of the problem and was the required “framework” needed to promote Zionism and the Pre-trib rapture (and other false doctrines). The problem is pre-tribbers, particularly Pastors, will not relinquish Dispensationalism due to pride and stubbornness. Two attributes that Satan counts on to fulfill the prophecy of a great apostasy of Christians to occur in the end times.
[At this point I would like to stress that I don’t hate Jews and I don’t have a racist bone in my body. I speak truth because the followers of Talmudic Judaism (or any form of Judaism for that matter) have been under Satan’s spell of lies for quite some time. I wish them to be saved! I regard them equally as I do other false religions. I’m not going to sugar coat Islam, or Hinduism, Catholicism, Judaism or even Atheism, Buddhism, etc. They are all of the devil and following any of them will equally damn the follower to the same place in the end: eternal damnation in Hell.]
In fact, here are a couple of awesome sermons detailing those lies:
The Jews and Their Lies by Pastor Steven Anderson – YouTube
This came out at the same time he was working on his groundbreaking film, Marching to Zion – documantary (Full Movie). God’s chosen people. Pastor Steven Anderson. – YouTube
If you would like to listen to a couple of great sermons on the correct bible teaching of “replacement” theology and scathing sermons proving Dispensational teachings are of Satan I recommend these here for starters:
Why I Believe in Replacement Theology – Pastor Bruce Mejia – YouTube
Demolishing Dispensationalism (Bro. Bruce Mejia) – YouTube
“Replacement Theology (Supersessionism)” | Pastor Jason Robinson – YouTube
Replacement Theology Pastor Steven L Anderson, 7 18 21 – YouTube
All 3 Pastors have full sermon series on end times events, and all preach on each chapter of the Book of Revelation along with many other biblical themes. These Pastors just flat out teach the bible which is refreshing. They are not “Sunday sermon fun centers”. They preach hard and they preach and teach the bible chapter by chapter, verse by verse, book by book.
Pastor Anderson’s Revelation series can be found here. Pastor Steven Anderson ‘The Book Of Revelation’ Verse-By-Verse Bible Study : Pastor Steven L. Anderson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
In fact, I recommend the 3 Pastors presented above, they are known as “New” IFB (independent fundamental Baptist) Preachers and here are their You Tube channels (Pastor Anderson doesn’t have one because You Tube automatically bans him but you can still find most all his sermons uploaded by someone else if you search.)
Mountain Baptist Church – YouTube
Sermons from Faithful Word Baptist Church – KJV Bible Preaching
And if you want a comprehensive video catelogue of the New IFB Pastors start here:
I explained in this post here about bible symbolism, and how that it predicts the end times New World Order – biblical “Babylon” world empire #7 – and the rise of the Antichrist and how he will be eventually placed as its leader. Of course, I believe, that process is already happening. Satan’s goal for the last 300 or so years, was to prepare mankind for his eventual world empire. To prepare ALL of mankind to worship him, the Devil, and not Jesus Christ. This is what the bible teaches, and cannot we see that happening with the attempt to assemble the New World Order?
So how did we get here? How did Satan accomplish his singular goal of the last 300 years to assemble this final global empire which he plans on using as a vehicle to get the entire world to worship him? Well, buckle up, I’ll outline the general way in which this was accomplished and some historical background.
Dispensational theology teaches that the “Jews” are still God’s chosen people. At one time, under the old covenant instituted by Moses, they were God’s chosen nation of people (not race!) that were meant to be the light to the world and spread the gospel of the coming Messiah (they did not know his name of course). One could say they invariably did a poor job. But God had always known this since Adam and Eve first ate of the apple.
God’s covenant to the 12 Tribes of Israel was conditional. IF they keep his commands, he will keep his promises of blessings. The main thing that angered the Lord (and always did), was idol worship of false gods after the split of the kingdom in about 930 B.C. This was the main transgression of the 10 tribes of the north (who formed “Israel”). In fact, it got to the point where God allowed the northern kingdom of Israel to be conquered by Assyria (biblical global empire #2) in about the year 720 B.C. They were assimilated into the heathen, and they never formed another nation again. God enacted the 54 verses of “curses” on them after they broke his covenant. These curses can be found in Deuteronomy 28 starting with verse 15.
Of course, if you know your bible, the remaining southern kingdom of Judah, consisting mainly of the tribe of Juda (and Benjamin and the Levitical Priesthood) was carried off to Babylon for 70 years for the exact same main reason: that they abandoned God and worshipped other false gods. They didn’t “believe” and heed. God’s curse of Deuteronomy 28 was again laid upon them. But eventually after the 70 years, enough of them got “right” with God again and he brought them back to Jerusalem and the surrounding land. Not that they were a shining light to the world, but their purpose was to bring about the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. The last historical book of the bible was Nehemiah detailing events to about the year 420 B.C.
Then as far as the bible is concerned, things went a bit silent. You sense that during the last few centuries until Christ, there was only a remnant of believers, enough to keep the southern nation of Judah intact to bring about Jesus Christ and fulfill bible prophecy. It was conquered numerous times and eventually became the Roman province of Judea at the time of Christ.
By this time, it is clear that “Talmudic Judaism” had already been well formed and dominated the now-called Jewish religion. Jesus scathed the Pharisees and Sadducees on countless occasions. Notice that the Jews were no longer guilty of idol worship as in the past. The idol worship became worship of mainly themselves. A self-righteous, blindly, puffed-up arrogant “pride” that resulted in their downfall. (Has anything changed?)
And the Jews (who had taken the name “Jews” largely because of the tribe of Juda and of course the Kingdom of Judah and then the province of Judea) – the last remaining remnant of the 12 Tribes – as a whole rejected Jesus and had him crucified.
But God gave the Jews, who after rejecting Jesus another 42 years to “get right”, repent, and abandon the false religion of Judaism. But of course, we know the story; they did not repent. God sent the Roman army to crush them in 70 A.D. and by 135 A.D. they had been scattered for good. God again laid the full set of curses of Deuteronomy 28 upon them. And nothing has changed to this day, they are still cursed.
So, for approximately 1700 years, the “Jews” were cursed and kicked out of 47 countries in the span of 1000 years due to mainly actively hindering Christianity and predatory lending practices. For those same 1700 years, it was quite clear Christianity believed (rightly) they replaced the Jews as the bible clearly always has taught. Martin Luther was certainly not a Dispensationalist, and you won’t find any that taught a “dual covenant” theology. Not the Catholics, not the Protestants and not the Baptists who were always outside of Catholicism and its baby offshoot of Protestantism. The Jews were truly cursed just as God promised he would do. They could have just accepted Jesus and they would have lifted that curse.
Another link you may find interesting: BEING BAPTIST Documentary – YouTube
Satan is not omnipresent (Jesus of course is). However, Satan has at least 53 million devils (fallen angels) at his disposal and probably much more. The spiritual world has hierarchies of command in both God’s angels and Satan’s minions. Satan does have his own spiritual army, and you can think of it being organized as such with a hierarchal chain of command. Satan’s orders and messages in return are carried out that way. Unsaved reprobates become possessed by devils. And they get promoted to positions of power in the world. And those devils put it in the hearts of the possessed to carry out Satan’s long planned march against mankind to fulfill his ultimate goal of being worshipped by all the world as god.
So just as God has a plan (God is outside time he knows the end from the beginning), Satan has his long-term plans to bring about the final one world government, one world religion (worship of Satan the beast) and one world currency (mark of the beast). This overall Satanic end times plan has been in work for centuries.
The initial order of business was to “reform” Judaism. To get the cursed monkey off their backs and make it palatable for Christians – both “fake” and real – to not only stop denouncing and hounding Jews but to actually embrace Jews and Judaism. Flip the script. Judaism is the world’s #1 Antichrist religion as they already rejected Jesus as savior and Satan will use Judaism and its apparent “relationship” with Christianity as the primary vehicle to achieve the New World Order.
The first great trick of Satan was to spawn Freemasonry in the early 18th century. Freemasonry is actually closely related to Kabbalistic, “mystical” Judaism (Madonna converted to Kabbalistic Judaism for instance). Normal people, normal Europeans and Americans had no interest in becoming “Jews” they did however find the subtle teachings of Freemasonry very attractive. It is subtle as everything Satan does. The symbol of Freemasonry is closely related to the symbol of the modern Israel Star of Remphan (David). The secret rituals are meant to condition the member to obedience. The requirement that all Freemasons must believe in a “creator” to be a member is sinister and will suit the devil’s purpose in the end.
The ultimate purpose of Freemasonry is to find and promote the true Satan worshippers. These are the level 33 Freemasons although I am sure they would strongly object. The “normal” people who foolishly get sucked into Freemasonry end at level 32 and most stay that way for life. Many claim to be Christians even and perhaps they are even saved Christians doing this stuff. But I shouldn’t have to tell you that if you call yourself a Christian you should stay far away from any and all secret societies.
The fact that most Presidents were level 33 Freemasons is no accident. George Washinton was a Freemason as was Benjamin Franklin. In fact, most founding fathers were not true Christians at all. They respected that Christianity brought about good civil order, however probably every founding father is burning in Hell as I write this. Am I saying that the founding of America was spawned by Satan? Yes, I am. For the founding fathers were not Christians, and likely not Atheists. If you have a time, a nice fil is here: Were The Founding Fathers Anti-Christian? | The Hidden Faith Of The Founding Fathers | Parable – YouTube
Americans often like to brag and be proud about having the Bill of Rights. Did Satan put it in the hearts of man to pass these first 10 amendments? I would say yes, he did. The Devil plans for and plays the long game. Although I am sure Satan understood that freedoms would allow Christianity to flourish in the beginning of United States, the 1st amendment would allow, at the end of the era of the United States, for Satanism to flourish. To not only flourish but to be protected by the State. And that is indeed where we are today with Satanism, being protected, allowed to be taught in after school settings for instance.
And in the same manner, the second amendment would allow Satanists to be armed for his end times purposes. When the Antichrist comes to full power, the armed (many of them will be foolish Freemasons) who take the mark of the beast will be the ones rounding up Christians to be put to death. What we take as supposedly God’s gifts of freedom of religion is false. When Jesus rules with a rod of Iron when he comes back for his Millennial Kingdom, you can better believe he will not be allowing any other religion to flourish. Nor will there be any weapons (no need for them).
But another important aspect of the Bill of Rights, was to allow Judaism a “breather”. To protect the rights of Jews to worship as they see fit and to flourish and prosper. And thus, they did. At about the same time as the founding of America, over in Europe, the Rothchild financial empire was born. Suffice it to say, that if you got this far in the post, you probably have a deep understanding of the impact the Rothchilds have had on the history of banking and the spawning of fractional reserve (predatory) lending and their financial support of wars over the last two centuries. Indeed, it is said, that Satan himself has a permanent seat of residence at the house of Rothschild in the U.K. Yes, they are Jewish.
I could write much more on Freemasonry, but the length of this post would get too long to read. Freemasonry of course spawned other secret societies but their end purpose is one in the same. All closely related in the fact that the primary purpose of these societies was to find ruthless individuals willing to sell their soul to Satan and be promoted to positions of power. If you have 5 hours watch this insider story of Freemasonry and what it is all really about. Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order – Vaccine Impact
So, in review, Satan founded secret societies, the screening process for true Satanists who could then be promoted to positions of global power and influence. He took advantage of the founding fathers (who were not Christians) and enabled the “freest” society to be founded on earth. One that would be eventually emulated in Europe and to a degree other parts of the world. “Democracy” was deemed as “righteous”, and Satan took advantage of the protections of freedoms. He played the long game, and his investment has paid off for the end times. Bible -believing Christianity has long been in retreat. The followers of Judaism and their offshoot secret society members rule this world. They certainly control the global media and mass entertainment and global financial system. They have bible-believing Christians by the balls, and we are powerless to stop it. And wicked Dispensational theology – the neutering of Christians – helped them achieve these global positions of power. Ironic? Satan is laughing.
And besides, the bible says we will be overcome by the Antichrist. So, we lose the mortal “flesh” war, but in the end, Jesus will wipe them all out. And we get new bodies anyway. Vengeance is the Lord’s not ours.
And Satanism is expanding out in the open. And is protected by the global government “democracies” for the most part, the architects of the coming New World Order. And now Christianity finds themselves battling this free worship of Satan and is powerless to stop it. For all the politicians are fake Christians at best. As are the corporate leaders, the military leaders, indeed all institutions of all kinds the world over are not run by any true bible-believing Christians that I can see. Sure, I would like to think there are some here and there, but the “Screening” processes have long been established. You do not get to a power position in this world unless you are a reprobate sellout at best, or at worst, an actual Satanist committed to enacting the New World Order. You can tell by their fruits. What fruit is the person selling?
And democracies allowed the Jews to stop being persecuted, at least in America. And this is where Dispensationalism comes in. The fooling of Christianity into self-revoking their God-given inherited “chosen” people status and ceding it back to the followers of Judaism for no biblical reason. For God still has his Deuteronomy 28 curse on the Jews (unless they repent and are saved to Jesus). But dispensationalism will claim otherwise. And thus, the roots of Zionism were born. God didn’t bring the followers of wicked Judaism back to modern Israel, Satan did.
Another purposeful thing done in the 19th century was to revive the dead Hebrew language. It was a dead language for some 1500 years. This week in history: Revival of the Hebrew language – The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com) This was being done at the exact time of the promotion of dispensationalism. The entire effort was purposeful.
But of course, there was a problem in the world that needed solving. The first, was the fact that The Ottoman empire were the conquerors and possessors of the “Holy Lands”. WWI took care of that, and Palestine was ceded to the United Kingdom. How convenient for the House of Rothchild resides there. The Balfour declaration of 1917 put it in the minds of the political leadership to create a new State of Israel. Yet there did not yet exist public sentiment for such an endeavor. Two things were used to create that public sentiment: 1) The Scofield reference bible (dispensational teachings now available to the masses) 2) The “Holocaust”.
I do not wish to debate the Holocaust. I realize as much as anyone that Jews were indeed killed and gassed En masse in horrific fashion. Lots of people died in WWII. But I do believe the “6 million” figure was pre-ordained. (kabbalism has a fascination with the number “6”). Holocaust Pastor Anderson – YouTube. The fact that “Holocaust Denial” is official law in 14 countries is suspect in itself. If it was true, you shouldn’t need a law to protect the “truth”. But whatever, it doesn’t matter now. It was non-Christians killing non-Christians and yes it was horrible, but in the end, I have no more sympathy for one people group over another for lots of people groups died in WWII in horrific fashion.
Of course, the aftermath of WWII spawned the Satanic United Nations. And of course, UN resolutions were what brought about the modern nation of Israel in 1948. The imposter nation. The great ruse.
The entire war was a tragedy, yet it served Satan’s purposes and knocked out 2 world superpowers, Germany and Japan, who were a problem to implementing the New World Order. Indeed, both countries are pacified still today and supportive of the NWO. Additionally, the Holocaust created a worldwide media-driven sympathy to create the modern state of Israel in 1948. And by now, even bible-believing Baptists were thoroughly “Judaized” into not only being supportive of the Jews and Judaism, but to come to almost worship them. For the Scofield bible had had its effect for decades.
Indeed, why are people circumcised? Their parents were “Judaized” in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The Judaizing of Christianity is even worse today. Watch some of those sermons I linked to above and you will see what I am talking about. Indeed, just watch this on the “Hebrew Roots” movement to understand.
Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed Part 1 Pastor Steven Anderson – YouTube
The Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed Part 2 Pastor Steven Anderson – YouTube
The main point of this post was to provide links to lots of biblical sermons and to expose Dispensationalism as a doctrine of Satan purposedly placed into Christianity for his purposes: to reform Judaism and create end times confusion. And that is where we stand today. For Dispensationalism spawned Zionism which I expounded on in the preceding paragraphs. Yet at the same time its other main purpose was spawning the false doctrine of the “pre-tribulation” rapture and other weird doctrines of which some are damnable teachings.
Dispensationalism teaches the “next biblical prophetic event on God’s timeline” is the “imminent” return of Jesus in a “secret” rapture of “the church”. And that this pre-tribulation rapture must occur before the start of the final 7 years known as Daniel’s 70th week. To perpetually teach Christians to look for Jesus when the bible actually teaches us to look for the Antichrist first. Do you see the obvious danger in this doctrine?
For every pre-tribulation believer wakes up and must logically tell themselves that the final 7 years have yet to start. For that is the resulting logic of the pre-trib doctrine. At some point, perhaps many will come to realize they were wrong. But that point will be very late in the game and indeed might not even happen until the Antichrist reveals himself at the midpoint.
The bible teaches that the First resurrection/rapture event will not occur until a great “falling away” (apostasy) occurs and the “man of sin” (The Antichrist) is revealed first. Can you now see what will be a huge contributing factor to this coming great apostasy? Is it not obvious that Satan has set the perfect trap for Christians over 100 years in the making?
My belief is that Zelenskyy is the Antichrist and that we have already started the final 7-year countdown which is why I write this post as this information is critical for the soul. If he is not the Antichrist, he is the “foreshadow” of what the Antichrist will be. Just as I had proposed that the global vaccine campaign is a “foreshadow” of the coming mark of the beast.
Bible prophecy teaches us that there will be 10 global powers, 10 nations at the end times and that the Antichrist comes from not these 10 powers. He is the “little horn” of the Book of Daniel who, through warfare and otherwise, subdue 3 of those 10 world powers. I have proposed the 10 global powers are the nuclear armed powers as that is all that matters, and that is how the world actually works. The 3 nations that must be subdued are the ones hindering the creation of the New World Order. The first 2 are Russia and probably China. Taiwan will become “The Ukraine of the Pacific”. The 3rd global power will likely be Israel itself because biblical prophecy points to it. But that comes later. For now, it seems regime change is Russia, and then China.
I am proposing that Satan is here on earth putting the will into the godless Chinese leaders to attack Taiwan. All it would take is some provocation that the United States will undoubtably provide. My prediction is it will happen by the first week of September. This is when the coming – purposedly induced – global war will go full “hot”. And then media propaganda will turn the heat up to “searing” and warmonger against China and this will not be hard to do because most Americans and Europeans have no love for the Chinese regime. And a “new” global alliance will form against both Russia and China and Zelenskyy will be elected as its leader. At first it will seem like propaganda move, but in reality, if he is the real Antichrist, it is for real.
For have you not kept score of all the world leaders and politicians that have come and paid fealty to the man? This weekend it was Republican Senators. If one is the Antichrist, then of course world leaders (and some who may know this) will come and pledge fealty. Is this not obvious? Again, I am waiting to be proved wrong.
Indeed, warfare has been the primary method to bring about the New World Order for the past 100 or more years. Each successive war and event bring us that much closer. Satan puts it in the hearts of godless men to go out and commit acts of atrocity for his purposes. Like 9/11. Like the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc. All these wars advance the cause of the satanic globalists to bring about the NWO. Why do you think they are appeasing Iran and giving them the atomic bomb? Because the globalists will likely use Iran to provoke an attack by the 3rd global power that requires submission: Israel itself.
We already have 9 nuclear armed nations (US, UK, France, Pakistan, N.K., China, Russia, Israel, India) and Iran would be the 10th. Germany and Turkey hosts overseas American stockpiles of nukes. There really is no better way to “identify” the 10 global nations of biblical prophecy other than using nuclear weapons status. For that is how the world actually works. Another clue is that the “Babylon” of Revelation is likely the United States itself and that the 10 global nuclear powers will launch their weapons in a surprise attack on The Great Whore: The United States.
Babylon USA Official Full Film – YouTube
People think the leaders of the world are “stupid”. That is a deadly fallacy. For when viewing events through the eyes of biblical prophecy and realizing that Satan is putting it into the hearts of evil men to do evil and inflict pain such as a baby formula shortage, it makes perfect sense. To start and support wars that make no sense, they make perfect sense through the lens of end times biblical prophecy. For the end goal is to surround Russia and China and the globalists/satanist have been working since Papa Bush to achieve said goals. And eventually Israel will be the final target. That is required to fulfill bible prophecy. But first things first.
I wanted to say more, but I’m finished for now. If I add something I will update the title and add material down here. I propose we have started Daniel’s 70th week and of course the Pre-tribbers who are dominant will tell you we cannot possibly have started the final 7 years. Their pre-disposed logic forces them to think that. Satan is crafty indeed.