Elliott Wave Update ~ 10 March 2023

What to make of the quick demise of the second biggest bank collapse in U.S. history?

We’ll never know the truth of what really happened, but we can count on one truth that is constant: it was for sure Jews ripping off non-Jews and screwing them over and bankrupting them. It’s as simple as that and that’s probably all we need to surmise. Maybe a Jew or two got caught up in the downside of things but no worries, they will be made whole, and the rest of the “goy” will be made to suffer.

LOL think I’m kidding? No, that’s about the gist of things. Jew King SBF and his whore bitch took the Goy for a big ride in Crypto and now the contagion is terrible. Like gonorrhea. And all for the betterment of the Jews!

But whatever. It’s all so predictable that it’s downright boring and I really don’t care.

Satan, in the end, is using Judaism and the Jews to bring about his end times one world government (NWO), one world religion (Satanism) and one world currency (mark of the beast). The bible says it will happen, so I believe it 100%.