Elliott Wave Update ~ 14 April 2023

I adjusted the angle of attack for wave C of (2). There are many options which is what the market always does best. Keep the most on their toes. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the bottom falls out at any time. Again, as explained in last night’s post, the second horse of the Apocalypse – global war breaks out – would be the nail in the coffin of the global financial system. It simply has not yet happened, but all the simple biblical evidence is that we are approaching that day.

And then the “contrarian bull-always crowd” will find out what it means to be in a bear market. Beyond a bear market. Collapse of the global financial system which will lead to collapse of the global economy and bring the global supply chain to a halt which will bring about untold economic misery in a very short amount of time. This is all being planned for a moment in time. We’ll know the day when it happens.