A short squeeze is still a bear market trait. Shorts Steamrolled As Late Day Squeeze Sends Stocks To Session High, VIX Plummets | ZeroHedge
Which is consistent with the theme of a wave (2) which, despite all the newfound bullishness and “all is clear” attitude has yet to really make its mark. I adjusted the squiggle count to assume that the middle third of wave C of (2) may have already occurred. And this is bad for bulls if this is the case.
The bible teaches patience. The end of the world as we know it – WWIII, global war, comes in a moment in time as all wars do when nations declare war on each other either by deed or word.
This is the real problem. The genie cannot be put back in the bottle. The Titanic has already been slashed with an iceberg. Tis the same with runaway world global Ponzi debt. US Annualized Debt Costs Exceed $800 Billion | ZeroHedge
It’s over.