We have a key wave marker. The elites need to keep this house of cards propped up as long as possible to keep financially carrying out their global war preparation plans. The best bet window is approximately 15 February, 2024, peace is taken from the earth and global warfare “kicks” off. We can bet that this will be the day of the start of a global financial collapse. Remember, the Jews and their Freemason lackeys have constructed the global system just for that one day to come. And it is surely coming.
Am I off by a year or even 2? We won’t know until about 1 March 2024. if no global war by then, I’m likely off my target.
In any case we are awaiting global war to kick off for the 2nd seal. If no global war, no second seal, no return of Jesus just yet. That is the order of things the bible teaches. Yes, I desire Jesus to come back and straighten this wicked world out, but unfortunately, is bible-believing actual saved Christians will be slaughtered en masse prior to his coming is what the bible actually teaches.
Remain faithful when the great tribulation comes and not a hair on your head will be hurt and you will make it alive in the flesh to that day of his glorious coming!