We have an extreme peak RSI on the daily SPX and clearly that has probably now been “marked” as peak due to today’s sharp drop. Usually, this peak RSI occurs at a subwave “three of three” wave peak, so I have adjusted the squiggles accordingly and am giving the market the benefit of the doubt to trace out a few more squiggles and make that new all-time intraday SPX high. We were due for a sharp pullback and if it continues there is a possibility of truncation of the SPX and it has “failed” to achieve a new all-time high.
I never understood why anyone would want to invest in this market, the Ponzi has popped, the interest rates have already risen enough to wreak havoc upon the market. Whether or not the market hangs on and continues for a while or not, make no mistake, the world is waxing worse and worse, and we are closer to the end than not: The day Satan pulls the plug on the financial snare that has long been in making and peace is taken from the earth. Satan has used his evil Judaism and Freemasonry to carry out his plans for well over 250 years. It is culminating in his coming plan to bring in his kingdom on earth.
We don’t know exactly when the day the global war will kick off but the signs are growing. I have been saying the market will experience a sudden destruction upon that day occurring. Satan is trying to suck in every last entity into his evil wicked market and will pull the plug so fast (by unleashing a sudden “flood” upon the earth) that everyone will head to the exits and there will not be enough room to get out.