Very interesting take that Brian Shilhavy had over at Vaccine Impact. Now that the trend of getting the jabs has slowed to a trickle, only now does the CDC – via the FDA – make Pfizer and Moderna put a warning label about heart inflammation on the “vaccines”. Not that anyone administering it actually reads aloud any warnings to begin with. And not that Big Media will highlight this on all the nightly news.
It’s kind of a like an Elliott Wave trend. The herd only capitulates to something at the end of a trend and that is typical human social mood behavior. Although the CDC purposely waited more than a week and a half so that another 2 million or so kids could be sterilized. May they all rot in Hell. But then again, I have long ago lost pity on those who promote the jab and force their kids to be jabbed. I do however cry for the kids. They don’t deserve this anymore than when they got poisoned right out of the womb as a baby with the horrendous “vaccine schedule” that gets worse every year and causes untold amount of long term injuries including autism.
I lifted this chart from Vaccine Impact‘s article.

Case count from the CDC follows an Elliott Wave structure throughout. And we are nearly at the bottom. Will we have another impulse surge in the coming Fall/Winter that dwarfs this chart for more “Covid Cases” and an even higher death wave that occurred so far? I really don’t know what they have planned next. All I can say is that THIS structure, for all intents and purposes, is almost, if not already completed. And imagine, this chart still adhered to EW guidelines even though the case count was fraudulently produced with a PCR test that produced 76% “asymptomatic” (which means they were not sick at all) counts, which now everyone knows as “common knowledge” that you can have such a condition which prior to 2020, there was no such thing.

I have had at least 4 or 5 very smart people, when I asked them why “flu” was near zero, and they simply stated the masks and social distancing were successful. Several people actually said that there can be only 1 strain at a time and that Covid pushed the flu into non-existence. How does one even picture that in your brain? Submicroscopic gangs of dead cell material (i.e.- “dust”) doing drive by shootings on rival strains like a Mexican cartel war until only one is the victor? Someone should make a cartoon on the matter.
And these people make good money and are responsible adults in life…I guess. I still closely equate the top of the Grand Supercycle with the madness that is going all around us. People are so brainwashed. Don’t even get me started on the whole supposed “immune system”. And then I hear people regurgitate the “common knowledge” of how “antibodies” work why they got the jab, etc. Why of course everyone knows we are building “herd immunity”! It’s all bullshit how everyone regurgitates the “common knowledge” of all this nonsense which is what started me on the path to investigate for the first time in my life because if every clown is saying the same thing, it ain’t likely true at all. What people actually do in a lab is beyond me. But they have cooked up voodoo “tests” templates for all sorts of dead cell debris (so-called viruses) long ago and no one ever questions it. I guess I never did either, but I never went to the doctor if I could avoid it, and I haven’t taken any poison shots in the last 17 years. Ok maybe one flu shot which I only got because my friend was getting his at the time. But that was some 10 years ago and I do believe I got sick afterward.
When you think about it, Big Pharma has tricked the entire world over the past 110 years and counting with a grand illusion that sub-microscopic dead cell debris that you can’t even see – again just “dust” – makes us literally sick to including death. But I can see why we blame the magic dust, as it means we do not have to take any responsibility on why we are so toxic and get sick to begin with. Neither does any corporation. Hey it’s not the mega-radiation or anything else we are putting in our products or doing to your food and water, or spraying in your sky (geoengineering), its the invisible dust folks, blame them! All my extended family has this attitude and they are all on drugs. Every last one of them.
Now remember, the so-called killer viruses are literally dead cell debris. Fragments of broken down cells in which we shed billions and billions every day. That’s why we got vacuum cleaners. Even the scientists admit that so-called “viruses” – little bits of broken down proteins and pieces of other genetic stuff they give names to are “not alive”. Like the dust in your house. Because that’s what they are at that point.
Again, if you missed it, watch this very well made film on so-called viruses (dead cell debris) and this one on germs; bacteria, fungi, mold, etc. (dead cell debris eaters – and yes bacteria are “alive”). And if you don’t have 3+ hours to watch them watch this condensed version simply titled “Cov-19 Immunity in 19 Minutes“.
And then ask yourself why if you head to the hospital because you’re sick they give you an antibody test to confirm that you have a disease, and then when you go down the hall to the vaccination clinic and get a shot, an antibody test means your “protected”. The masks worked and killed the flu! No wait, the Coronavirus Gang cartel wiped out the Influenza A and B gangs with a drug war and drive by shootings now there is only one dominant sickness! People actually BELIEVE this stuff folks!
Also ask yourself this, if virus theory of contagion was so true, why couldn’t one suffer with multiple viruses all at the same time? Let’s say you might have a bad case of herpes, and then you get shingles and then a bad norovirus so you have explosive diarrhea and then, lo and behold here comes the swine flu to finish you off. I mean it makes sense because your – drumroll please – “immune system is so weakened” you just opened the door to a whole host of magical viruses. But it never happens that way does it?
Toxemia is the true cause of all disease and it completely passes the common sense test. The fact that the body exhibits hundreds of dis-ease conditions is not a mystery as the body has many ways to expel toxins mainly through your lungs, skin, poop and pee via your kidneys, digestive system and liver. Getting sick is an act of your body trying to heal! Yet the first thing we do is gunk it up with more poisonous medicine such as antibiotics that kills the bacteria that is trying to eat the rot and cure the toxic condition. So yes, we may feel better and that be a coincidence that we were going to get better anyway or it just means we have interrupted the healing and we will get even sicker down the road.
Modern Big Medicine only masks symptoms or kills the healing process and it is extremely profitable. Cancer is treated with massive toxic drugs and usually combined with surgery. And it may be successful for a while, but in most cases the cancer comes back if the conditions that caused it to begin with are not taken care. The world has sold it’s literal soul to worshipping Big Medicine and Big Pharma and we will all pay the price for that.
Why do I harp on trying to convert readers to the ultimate contrarian way of thinking of rejecting Germ (and thus Virus) Theory of Contagion? Because it’s the most important information you will ever have to learn in your life as your life depends on it as they are coming after you with the magic goo to be jabbed straight in your arm. Rejection of Germ Theory of Contagion means the ENTIRE illusion of Big Pharma and Big Medicine comes crashing down and the 110 year fraud is shattered. Every last bit of it.
And you’ll be truly free, I know I am. I now walk through life not giving a darn about some magic dust and now I take true responsibility for my health. I have had my share of toxic buildup in my lifetime, much of it self-inflicted and I certainly could get sick. But the next time I do get sick (and I haven’t been sick for as long as I can remember other than two bouts of throwing up and diarrhea) I will take a different approach and not simply just take antibiotics or even a Motrin.
In fact I do have a somewhat chronic condition that I have treated with antibiotics on at least 2 occasions in the past 10 years – ear wax buildup that invites a lot of bacteria that leads to “infections” as we have been known to call an earache. I also have used prescription ear drops on too many occasions just because that’s what I figured I should do. And you know what? It helped temporarily, but the condition always comes back. So this time I am not taking antibiotics or prescription ear drops. I don’t know what’s causing the chronic wax buildup condition and I suppose bacteria is present to help rid of it and bacteria becomes resistant as a result. My mom took a lot of antibiotics and the final “infection” killed her. Well not true, she went into the hospital and the doctors finished her off. In her last 10 days, I have no idea how many drugs they pumped into her for whatever reason but the more they pumped the worse she got causing them to pump in even more for the “new” conditions that inevitably arose. But I digress.
[v] almost equals [i]

Best guess squiggle count. Again. like yesterday’s squiggles, giving the benefit of the count.

The SPX chart is curious though. Still qualifies as a “stealth” ending diagonal triangle. So keep an eye on this one. Maybe a pop up over the top wedge line and then sharp downturn.