I clicked on some supplier links to the Graphene Flagship I linked below. I sorted by “biomedical” and those able to mass produce and it took me to 2 manufacturers. Here is a link on “superparamagnetism” abilities of graphene oxide nanoparticles used in drug delivery systems. Look, graphene oxide is already being used as an “adjuvant” in the 2019 and 2020 flu shot. Straight from the horse’s mouth here on how they want to put it in the Covid-19 nasal spray and how they already are using it in the flu nasal spray! Graphene oxide was likely used as the “adjuvant” in the covid-19 vaccines which is one reason the ingredient label is BLANK. They don’t want you to really know. And they don’t want you to know how much they are using (a lot!)
There are actually many GO manufacturers worldwide. This is the latest “hot” thing and they are likely using it in “vaccine” and anti-biotic injections of livestock and chickens which are then slaughtered and producing magnetic meat. Yes, that is real too and just another way to get this shit inside the human population. Here is a manufacturer that sells GO nanoparticles and here is a link to where they suggest they would be great in a Covid-19 “treatment”.
Graphene oxide WILL BE USED AS THE ADJUVANT in the coming 2021 Flu shot. You pro-vaxxer mockers better read up on what the hell you are allowing yourself to be poisoned with! This is very much real, and graphene oxide is very much TOXIC. The amount that is in the Covid-19 “vaccines” is shockingly large. This is why magnets can stick to the injection site. People typically laugh in the videos but this may cause long term damage!
Do not take any flu shots nor vaccine shots of any kind! Do not take anymore Covid shots! My God people, do you have a death wish? I could link all day long but if you’re in denial that the Covid-19 injections or the flu shots contain graphene oxide, you’re the delusional one! The “plausible deniability” of the vaccine manufacturers will be that yes, graphene oxide is used but only as an adjuvant but that is all and in small quantities. I can see the media spinning it now…
And yes, check your meat particularly chicken and beef for superparamagnetic properties. They have no doubt used G.O. (only merely as a small adjuvant of course is what they will claim) in all the “vaccine” jabs they give to feeder cattle and chickens and pigs in the huge slaughterhouses of the world. Even the so-called organic meat products might be suspect.
Do you not see what the TRUE cause of many unexplained COVID 19 cases are caused by and why? Flu sprays injecting G.O. right to the base of the brain, Flu shots in 2019 and 2020 given to millions of people worldwide containing toxic G.O. Watch the Spanish Team’s video segment as I linked just below “Commentary”! He perfectly explains everything on the entire phenomena of COVID-19.
And yes, they are most likely also spraying graphene oxide in large quantities in the atmosphere no doubt to “combat global warming”. (Yes, geoengineering is real too). I have 2 plastic white long lawn chairs that are heavily scarred with what appears to be graphene oxide from rain particles. I’ll take a picture tomorrow and post it, you be the judge. Of course geo-engineering pollutes the crops and may be another source of why slaughtered cattle are producing magnetic meat, etc.
They simply want you dead and/or under total control. And well, I guess that is the master plan.
Graphene Oxide. Here is another update from the team in Spain who has blown the cover off the Covid-19 story with this important discovery. And another interview here. This is the English-speaking website that tracks and publishes the Spanish team LA QUINTA COLUMNA. These people deserve a medal and are at great risk obviously. I always figured it would be the Spanish who break through with some hard science and evidence concerning these so-called “vaccines”. Every other country is tightly controlled and heavily censored. Not that the Spanish are not, but it is a country where chinks in the armor have been allowed to appear.
Stew Peters interviews about Graphene here with Dr. Jane Ruby.
When you realize the depth of the evil that it takes to pull off the fact that they have been injecting nano-magnetic material – highly toxic of course – into now over 2 billion people in the world it leaves me no doubt about where we are on the runup of evil required to have the rise of the Antichrist himself appear very soon on the earth. The Luciferians in charge have gone “all in” and the poisoning of the world continues apace and will never stop.
What do you suppose the metallic taste was in some people’s mouth’s after the jab? I actually am beginning to believe there is hardly any mRNA in these things at all! The magical spike protein is likely another fanciful lie. Again, I cannot fathom it all which is why the only logical answer is that we are under God’s final plan to bring in the end of his 6000 year timeline in 2028.
Oh but Dan, how can a conspiracy so evil have taken place under billions of watchful eyes? I ask myself that question every day, and the only answer is that I remind myself is that God is in control and has hardened men’s (and women’s) hearts who have pursued the worship of Satan, or those who have denounced God in their hearts. He has hardened enough other people in key positions to be bribed, or look the other way, or be cowed or be evil. We can see this in our Corporate-controlled media and Corporate-controlled groupthink and indeed in every corrupted institution, government, NGO, Roman Catholic church, Israel, etc. (all are corrupted to the core) of this land and every land.
The Spanish team took a logical approach to the problem (like I have) and asked a simple question: What could possibly be causing the very real magnetic effects of the vaccines? (and yes I have seen it for myself personally). They took a logical approach and one of the speculated ingredients was Graphene Oxide which is apparently being used and tested in just about everything. Check out the upcoming mega Graphene conference – naturally the Europeans are taking the lead – here is the website. Please do browse through and realize what they are doing and planning.
And here is what the cover of Graphene Magazine 2020: Download here and check it for yourself. Here is the Graphene minimag on healthcare.

And I’m the crazy one? Again, early on with my “magno-arms” post, I realized the magnetic effects would be key to unlocking and waking people up to what these jabs actually are and I have been proven correct. I was also correct about it being the nano-goo being positively charged but Graphene Oxide blows my mind.
Again, to me it proves that the chess pieces of the final 7 years are in the opening moves. People are in denial and at the peak of a huge social mood mania bubble, this is just as real as the Dutch selling tulip bulbs for small fortunes only to have it crashing down in short order. In this bubble, the blow torch required to keep it expanding is almost out of gas and when it bursts, social mood will quickly collapse. Only then will people perhaps – and that’s a big maybe – will recover their senses one by one at a time and realize the mass evil that has been perpetrated on the entire planet.
Again, I am logical. I’ll repeat this simple logic question/answer: What is causing the real magnetic effects of these jabs? No matter the answer, logic dictates that there can be only evil behind it. Or more precisely, it is God’s plan to fulfill the end of times prophecies and the forces of evil are acting as right on schedule. And if one comes to the realization that yes, it is evil to inject magnetic nano-goo inside billions, then you cannot stop there for if they were willing to do that what else did and are they doing? I can only assume everything evil that you can imagine.
It is not a conspiracy when you realize that the Luciferians pulling the strings behind the scenes have openly told us all for years what their plans are. But people’s hearts are hardened against Jesus Christ, and now God has likely sealed their fates, and we have become spiritually lazy even if we claim to be Christians. The churches live in fear about offending anyone so how can they possibly take any meaningful stand when the shit really hits the fan? They won’t and they aren’t right now when they still can! In fact, they are working for the other side in most cases!
Magnetic material is being injected into billions worldwide and the pushing of the jabs intensifies. People are sleepwalking and living in the Matrix. They have hardened hearts. They do not care. The evil is complete. One can only come to the conclusion that we are indeed almost ready to enter into the period of the 7 year Tribulation/Wrath of God.
Again, nothing has changed. We have another squiggle in place, but it is unclear the ultimate destination squiggle-wise. We do however have some really good long term counts and they are maturing. Do we need a few more weeks and/or months? Could be so although there is enough in place as it is. However, I favor the extra required time.
The timing will be tricky. If the Antichrist is due to come back on 27 – 29 October, just before All Hallow’s Eve of course, then we are still in the final blowup bubble phase. When this thing ultimately collapses, it will be utterly spectacular. Halloween takes place on a Sunday this year. Satan and the Antichrist will be making their secret covenant with certain select Luciferians perhaps on that very day. And the first order of business will be another “Black Monday”, perhaps November 1st, to collapse the global financial system and usher in a 3 1/2 year tribulation for mankind.
The financial system will be more than ripe for complete collapse. Again, this is a precursor to the coming wars, famine, death and persecutions of Christians that is to plague the earth during the time the Antichrist consolidates power. And of course after the Antichrist takes total power, sometime in early 2025, Jesus will come and Rapture the believers and then God’s wrath will be poured out over the earth for another 3+ years until the final Battle of Armageddon.
How’s that for an Elliott Wave call? You don’t see that anywhere on the internets!
One possible squiggle count, although there are too many variations to consider.

The best way to view at the moment is to think the market is somewhere seeking the top of Minute [iii] of 5 of (5).

The NASDAQ’s best count may be to imagine that 3 of (5) is in play.

Wilshire Daily. Again, 46,358 is the 24th Fibonacci sequence number and I am keeping my eye on that spot as a possible ultimate target.