The price move to yesterday’s peak has proven to be a three wave [a]-[b]-[c] structure and may consist all of Minor wave 2. If so, that portends a very quick and shallow Minor 2 peak and is a very bearish development.
Today’s market internals are increasing as downside pressure continues. This increasing pressure, if it peaks higher than what has come before in wave 1 of (3) down (as shown on the bottom red histographs using NYSE data), probably indicates that Minor 3 of (3) is just getting started in unfurling.
Clearly, the West’s push for more war continues. Pelosi appearing in Kiev is only meant to further provoke Russia. She received a “medal” from Zelensky. It is in reality a Baphomet medallion. A formal New World Order signal that the US Congress is “all in” for the worldwide evil plan being led by Satan himself behind the scenes.
In this image released by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office on Sunday, May 1, 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, right, awards the Order of Princess Olga, the third grade, to U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, April 30, 2022. Pelosi, second in line to the presidency after the vice president, is the highest-ranking American leader to visit Ukraine since the start of the war, and her visit marks a major show of continuing support for the country’s struggle against Russia. (Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP)
Note the “Ukrainian Presidential Seal” on the medal above within a 6 pointed “Star of David” (Star of Remphan). The Baphomet symbol of the New World Order directly behind Zelensky:
Jesus Christ himself told us what to expect at the end of the world in The Book of Matthew chapter 24:
3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
We are well into the “rumours of war stage”. And when the second seal of Revelation is fully opened: Revelation Chapter 6:
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
“to take peace from the earth,”
I propose the second seal is not yet fully opened. It is in the process of being opened. The predicted “fully opened” is no later than September 2022 this year. We have a full four months of opening global war stages yet to go.
Again, if I am wrong, and the earth does not have an expanding global war this year, then we likely have not started Daniel’s 70th week. But if we do indeed get an expanding global war, then we must continue to watch for further signs.
Again, bible prophecy tells us the Antichrist will topple 3 global powers (likely nuclear armed) that are resisting the New World Order in one way or another. I propose that Russia is nation #1 out of the 3. I also theorize that China may be global nation #2 that must be subdued.
The United States, Revelation’s “Babylon” of the end times, will likely provoke China into attacking Taiwan and garnering worldwide anger against it. The same playbook we used against Russia via Ukraine. The world is already angered against China for Covid-19 (I’m not mad, it is all part of Satan’s end times lies anyways). And recall Nancy Pelosi had recently postponed a trip to Taiwan supposedly because of “Covid-19”.
China has experienced a sharp social mood drop. Their stock market reflects this. However, it may be due for an extended relief rally.
Is Zelensky the Antichrist? And if he was, how would someone like him “conquer” – through warfare – 3 global nuclear-powered nations seeing that he is from Ukraine? Well, let’s use our imagination. Let’s suppose Zelensky is the Antichrist and he “defeats” Russia resulting in a regime change to one that is now onboard with eventually joining the “New World Order”. Or let’s suppose Putin is assassinated or forced out due to continued military attrition. (The U.S. is providing unlimited weaponry to Ukraine and undoubtably valuable satellite/signal intelligence that resulted in the sinking of the “Moscow” and other such targets.)
If the United States, then provokes China into war against Taiwan in a few months from now, the world would obviously have a big shit-show on its hands. The remaining global powers perhaps form a “new” global coalition and invite Zelensky to be its leader. At first it will seem to be purely a “propaganda” move for the world. Something as a show of “unity”. Let us even suppose that China starts to get bogged down on Taiwan and Zelensky actually goes to Taiwan to “lead” the global resistance against both Russia and China. By this time perhaps Russia is experiencing internal conflict due to Putin being either killed or deposed. And now that the “Ukrainian” front had stabilized (Russia in retreat) he becomes the de facto leader of the New World Order against Russia and China (and then a yet undetermined 3rd nuclear power).
China will have been defeated or forced into a “regime change”. I would further theorize that full blown internal civil war within mainland China is probably the goal of destabilization. Do you see how these kinds of scenarios can develop to elevate the Antichrist into a global position of power?
Am I saying that Zelensky is the Antichrist? The odds at this stage sit at about 35%. If he is the Antichrist, then he really is calling the global shots at this stage for the West. It certainly seems to be the case so far. If he is not the real Antichrist than he is a perfect “prototype”. An outsider NOT from the 10 global nuclear powers who manages to defeat world powers anyways. Of course, Ukraine hasn’t won anything just yet. We are merely speculating. I am sure the globalists don’t mind. Free speech while we still have it.
But, if this is the end of the world according to Revelation, it can be deduced that Ukraine will likely prevail against Russia one way or another.
But let us just leave the speculation there for now. There is so much more that would have to occur I’d rather not get ahead of things at the moment. These are the types of things for now we must watch for.
Ask yourself the following questions from a biblical perspective:
Are there global rumours of war going on? (YES)
Is peace being taken from the earth (In my opinion, YES)
Are nations rising against nations? (In a way YES, but the global war has yet to go “hot”)
Is Zelensky an outsider (not from one of the 10 global powers) type leader speaking great things and projecting a military bravado as a warrior to be reckoned with and taking on a global nuclear power that is resisting the NWO? (Yes, so far. He is a work in progress and fits the profile of Revelation’s Antichrist figure)
Do we have a plausible scenario for a second global power (that resists the NWO) to be induced into war? (Yes, China goaded into attacking Taiwan)
There is no need at the moment to ponder more scenarios than the above. And we’ll leave it at that. And yes, Zelensky is a reprobate war monger being used by the West to trigger Russian regime change. I despise him, and I am sure so does Jesus Christ.
The West never liked Putin. He replaced the West’s favorite: Boris the drunkard Yeltsin and set back global plans for the New World Order by at least 20 years in their estimations. Hillary and Bill and Fauci and Klaus and Biden and Kerry and Gates and Buffett and Pelosi – and we could go on and on and yes Obama AND Trump – are getting old. All the Satan worshipping reprobates of the world who once wanted to start this Global NWO revolution back under Papa Bush simply don’t care anymore. They are desperate and all the Bohemian grove type Satanic sacrificial rituals have demented their minds. Satan promised them the world. They are old and evil and that makes them dangerous. They simply don’t care about keeping up appearances any longer. They are “getting on” with getting on the NWO.
They no longer care if you believe the lies or not. The bigger the lies the better. From the election in 2020, to Covid-19 and its murderous “vaccines”, to the blatant “geoengineer” spraying of the skies, to this sham war they started in Ukraine and the sham wars to come.
So, I laugh at those who fret over the things in this world. It is no longer worth saving (only individual souls are worth saving) and besides we never had the power to “save” the earth anyway. God is going to burn it all down anyway.
Pull your kids out of public schools. Don’t participate in the evil all around us. Be a good Christian and live the best you can. Separate yourself and be a role model for the world, a role model for Jesus. A light, a beacon to give glory to God. Look to things not of this world but the next. And most importantly spread the gospel of Jesus Christ because the hour is getting late, and we need to save as many as possible. Work toward heavenly rewards for surely all the earthly rewards mean nothing when it comes to eternity.
Everything is a distraction meant for the masses. Think Elon Musk is some kind of “hero” for buying Twitter? I laugh, this is the one guy who wants to hook you up to a machine and make you a robot. He is a NWO member through and through. It is all a controlled distraction for the masses. To give you hope. To keep you distracted and from finding the source of the real power that the Satanists fear: Jesus Christ. Oh, you can bet they hate him with a passion. How hard it must be for Bush Jr. to pretend he was a Christian all this time?
For that is the dividing line from here on out. If you’re a Christian, seek other true bible-believing Christians and disconnect from earthly things as much as possible and have your heart set on the next world to come led by the rod of iron, Jesus Christ. I am not suggesting living as a hermit. Do stay engaged and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what matters. The world is succumbing to a great delusion and will further slip into madness (of crowds).
Orwell’s 1984 didn’t “predict” anything. It was a literal handbook for the NWO. He was certainly not a Christian and is burning in Hell as I type. 1984 was the year it was supposed to be implemented. The white, old, shriveled Satanists are almost 40 years overdue, and they are pissed off coming after humanity under the authority of Satan.
Revelation chapter 12:
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
I’ll just be a contrarian here and suppose Minor 1 of (3) down ended at today’s low and perhaps we get a final shakeout of the bears in a wave 2 up. It does have that “bullish falling wedge” look.
The reason is we have a good 5 wave structure to today’s low. Therefore, let’s keep it simple for today.
If so, the blue box would be the wave 2 target area. About 50% of the recent decline since late March.
The goal of Minor 1 was to advance prices lower than (1) and it has achieved that so far in every index except the DJIA. Regardless of if this is Minor 2 or not, the real primary count is that wave (3) down will unfold sooner or later.
One reason is that the DJIA is non-confirming in making a lower low vs. the February 24th low. The generals have refused to give up the fight and may make one last charge up the hill.
However, if the DJIA breaks lower in prices under (1), then we have a confirmation of sorts between the DJIA, SPX, Wilshire 5000, Nasdaq, etc.
GDOW finally broke lower. Don’t really have a good count for this just yet.
I tend to agree with Karl Denninger here in that we are at war with Russia. It will escalate.
The waves are progressing nicely.
Now that prices have closed to a new market low, the blue downside line makes a nice target for Minor 1 or (3) down some several thousands of points lower.
The alternate count is that we are nearing the end of Minor 1 of (3) down. We’ll know soon enough I imagine of the market’s intentions. We have now a lower low than wave (1) which was a requirement for 1 of (3) down. There is nothing technical-wise or sentiment-wise to suggest that this count is correct. Hence an alternate count.
Viewing world events from a biblical end-times perspective is the only thing that makes sense. In fact, it makes perfect sense. If you have been following my commentary over the past few weeks, I have put it in rather simple terms, and they are all biblically grounded and prophesized about:
1) We may very well be in the final 7 years – known as Daniel’s 70th week – and that the Antichrist is rising to power as we speak. Satan is behind it all giving him power.
2) Global war is an element of “proof” and that is expected to expand greatly by September 2022 (if not earlier).
3) That every world leader and institution, government, military, corporation, financial entity, media, entertainment, etc. is run by people who worship Satan. Everything. If you have doubts, take 5 hours to watch this video here.
[UPDATE: Maybe this is hyperbole to say that “every” institution is led by people who worship Satan. I should have just said all institutions are led by non-saved people at the very least. Allow me to explain further: Are there any true bible-believing Christians that run anything in this world including your local municipal government? Your schools? At the very least, the world is run by people who either pay lip service to God (fake Christians and there are not even many of these anymore) or people who claim to be Atheists, or people who actually worship Satan but do it in secret.
The high-ranking members that go to world meetings such as Davos, attend the Bohemian Grove ceremonies, the “Jackson Holes” of the world, the World Economic Forum, the people in high places of power on this planet are NOT Christians, and I argue NOT Atheists. They HATE that when Jesus came 2000 years ago open worship of devils and paganism was drove underground. They HATE Jesus’s name. They so desperately want control of the world to eliminate the name of Jesus and openly be able to practice their worship of the dark forces of this world out in the open. And they will win for a short time. They will get their dream New World Order!]
4) That the goal of Satan is to unite the world in a biblical 7th world empire; “Babylon”, otherwise known as the “New World Order”. This is the final one before Christ comes back at Armageddon and destroys it for good.
5) That there are 10 global powers (think nuclear weapons for starters) that must be united to “enable” the one world government and then easily subjugate the rest (3rd world nations).
6) The Antichrist is seen as a great warrior and speaker (liar) and not of the 10 great powers – he is (seemingly) an outsider. His biblical task is to subjugate 3 world nations of power (likely nuclear powers) that are resisting the New World Order, not out of a sense of righteousness, but out of pride and glory. Again, there are no righteous kingdoms on this earth. It is the devil taking out uncooperative reprobates for his own sake.
7) That eventually Satan and the Antichrist wins and gains the main objective of uniting the world and installing the Antichrist as world leader.
8) And after that, a one world religion and currency will be initiated. The “final solution” will be the global mandatory “mark of the beast” – an RFID chip that is implanted into the right hand or head. The main goal of this campaign is to find and kill all the bible-believing saved Christians on the planet, the only ones who cannot be defeated spiritually (yes, we win in the end).
9) Christians will be hunted and killed worldwide and in great numbers. And if it were not for the fact that Jesus comes back in the clouds with great power and glory at approximately 70 days past the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week – 3 1/2 years – , all flesh would be lost. This day of power and glory is known as the first resurrection of all the saved dead and rapture of those believers remaining alive. We are rescued and then God pours out his wrath on this earth for the next 3 1/3 years until the final battle when Jesus and we come down on horses and all the reprobates are killed. Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet and all his armies are slaughtered every man to the last.
I’ll stop the event order at that point. The main theme here is that we are “looking” for biblical events to support this synopsis and timeline. It seems that Russia, under Putin, is not agreeing to subjugate to the New World Order and it could be the first nation of 3 that the Antichrist “defeats”. The Ukraine war instigated by agents of Satan has one goal: Regime change in Russia to one that will submit to the NWO.
Zelensky could very well be that Antichrist figure. Whenever the “right” and “left” and even Baptists align on an issue, you can believe that Satan has accomplished his goal greatly. Is he the Antichrist? That we will not know until the Abominations of Desolations. Yet regardless, he is an Antichrist type figure and fits the profile.
Therefore, we know from the bible of what to look for: 1) Purposeful global war whose goal is to subjugate 3 nuclear power nations into accepting the New World Order. 2) A potential “antichrist” figure – perhaps an outsider – selected to “lead” these wars of regime change.
Those two items are the only thing we need to focus on at this stage. Do things seem on track? They certainly do. The head “Babylonian” city-nation leading the charge to create the NWO – the United States – seems to be pushing things to the brink of possible nuclear exchanges. And no one seems to question things.
Again, like the “vaccine” campaign being a forewarning of the coming mark of the beast campaign, this global effort to effect regime change in Russia may very well fail and is perhaps only a “forewarning”. It could just be yet another foreshadowing to us here on earth of what is to come.
Therefore, one must make an assumption and I have. Either we are in a biger global war by September this year or not. If not, then I am likely wrong about us having actually started Daniel’s 70th week. It doesn’t mean it won’t start in 2023 or so, but all the “forewarnings” and foreshadows seem to indicate it will be within a less than a decade regardless.
So again, this is not a “prediction” it is merely a “watching” that Jesus commands us to do at the end of days. So, I am watching. My timeline hasn’t changed. One other item of interest is that if a “daily sacrifice” of animals starts up again in Jerusalem on or about 5 June 2022. It may be done in secret, or it may be done for a day and then done in secret. I just don’t know but keep your eyes peeled!
Prices have been supported not so much by horizontal price support but by long term channel line support. And now, after prices have twice tested that long term support, this is the 3rd time and prices seem to be slipping under.
A closer look:
China in a bear market.
NASDAQ Composite monthly. 3 months in a row and prices finished lower today. Leading the way just like in 2000, 2008 and 2022.
Best guess squiggle count below. There is room for a further bounce as denoted by the pink box for wave (ii). If so, it might take more than a few days, a final violent shake out of bears. Then after this, the trap door should open and we should get prices roaring under the previous price low of Intermediate wave (1).
This picture of Zelensky is no accident. The horns of Baphomet are almost perfectly behind him. They are not quite because that would be too obvious. Additionally, there is a 5-pointed upside-down star (pentagram) in the hourglass of the symbol. Subtle, yet there.
And compare to this statue from the Satanic temple of Baphomet himself:
And if you still don’t get it here, I made it simpler.
Satan and his followers are always compelled to show what they have planned for us. It is the way secret societies operate; it is the way Satan operates; it is simply the rules. That’s why Bill Gates was compelled to tell us world population can be reduced through “vaccines” at that TED talk years ago. If you have time, you’ll come to see what I am saying if you watch this 5-hour documentary here about Freemasonry:
The odds of Zelensky being the real Antichrist just went up to 30%. At the very least, like the worldwide “vaccine” campaign being a foreshadow of the coming “mark of the beast” campaign, this picture of Zelensky is a foreshadow of the final Antichrist-type figure.
The bible teaches us that the Antichrist is a “little horn” that arises not from the 10 global power kingdoms (nations), but from another nation. His goal is to subjugate 3 of those 10 kingdoms into submitting to the New World Order. Satan is behind the scenes trying to unite the 10 kingdoms into a final Babylon world empire #7. This is done through warfare and purposeful evil committed upon the world. And yes, do you not see that total global financial collapse is eventual part of that plan?
The final Antichrist is prophesized many times throughout the bible. One in particular is in the Book of Daniel, chapter 7:
7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.
The fourth beast of this vision was the Roman empire. The 10 horns on this fourth beast in this vision are the 10 nations at the end times that need to be united to form the final global world empire (biblical Babylon empire #7). That final global empire is otherwise known to us as the New World Order. The 10 horns are the same 10 toes (mixed of iron and mirey clay) of the statue in another vision of Daniel. The 10 toes don’t “mix” well together. That is a prophecy that the world will unite in a final global kingdom however it will not be strong and is short lived. For Jesus comes back and destroys it all at Armageddon.
Another horn arises:
8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
There came up among the 10 horns – remember these are the 10 global power nations of the end times – another little horn. This little horn is not from the 10 global power nations dominating world politics at the end times. The “little horn” (the Antichrist) is being used by Satan to subjugate 3 nations that refuse to submit to the New World Order. That is the underlying teachings of bible symbolism in the Book of Daniel and Revelation.
That there will be a “little horn” – someone like a Zelensky – “speaking great things” (promoted by the Jewish controlled mass media) used to defeat the three world powers that refuse to submit to the NWO. In this case it seems Russia is target #1 who refuses to submit. Does this mean Zelensky and Ukraine wins? No, but the goal is regime change in Russia. To eject Putin and put in place someone (like Boris Yeltsin under Papa Bush) that WILL submit Russia to the New Order.
So even if this is not yet the final 7 years of the 70th week of Daniel, it is a foreshadow of something that is coming. Zelensky may not actually be the real Antichrist, yet he certainly fits the profile “speaking great things” and viewed as a “great warrior”. Certainly, he has garnered support from Christians and Jews and Atheists alike which is the goal at this opening stage.
Does this automatically make me a Putin supporter as if he is some kind of righteous person? No of course not. It is one devil fighting another as it has always been. Yet if Russia is forced into regime change and a western-friendly leader arises, that will have been the goal all along. 1 nation of 3 that is defeated and subjugated by the “little horn”.
Again, like I say about the “vaccine” campaign, it is NOT the mark of the beast. Yet it DOES foreshadow what is coming. Zelensky may well NOT be the real Antichrist, but this entire manufactured war against Russia IS a foreshadow of how things will go down at the final 7 years. You may even find yourself promoting Zelensky as a “hero”. Whatever. The propaganda has even churches putting this guy’s picture up on their screens in front of the assemblies promoting what a brave and noble hero he is. Mission accomplished by Satan, tricking Christians into supporting the coming wars of the NWO.
All I see is that Zelensky wants Putin dead and Russia crippled. He is either a pawn of Satan or the real-deal Antichrist. And the United States is the Babylonian “city-nation” leading the effort to unite this New World Order empire that will eventually be ruled by the Antichrist for 42 months.
Eventually the real Antichrist will be “wounded to death”. He will die and go to literal hell. Revelation chapter 13 teaches us this:
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
The real Antichrist will die and go to Perdition (hell). And will be raised from the dead, probably 3 days later in an imitation of what Jesus did. My belief is that the person coming back from hell will be the chief prince devil underling of Satan. And that supernatural things will happen.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
The Antichrist is viewed as a warrior and speaking great things. And yes, he will get to rule his short-lived world empire Babylonian “kingdom” for 42 months during the Wrath of God period of the 7 trumpet and vial judgments of God.
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
And the Jewish-controlled mass media will promote him worldwide as will the False Prophet. But ultimately the Antichrist takes power over the, now united, New World Order. Promising peace and “solutions” to the mass death and famine that has been taking place over the previous 3 1/2 years.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
Verse 6 is the “Abominations of Desolations”. This is where he goes into a Temple and desecrates it and sets up a graven image and it will be demanded that all worship it and take the mark of the beast
Does it have to be a “Jewish” temple? NO! There are no “holy” temples of God other than bible-believing churches. I propose the Antichrist will go into the Dome of the Rock temple already in place for over 1000 years. He will be allowed because by this stage all the world’s religions will have been united. Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism, and Apostate Christianity.
Only bible-believing Christians will be unable to participate. For the entire purpose of the mark of the beast is to find and kill Christians the only people left with the power to defeat Satan! And who will we be delivered up to? The synagogues and temples of this world. In America, that would mean your local Freemason lodge with a Star of Remphan, oops I mean Star of David, on top.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Once the Antichrist takes power, he makes war with Jesus-believing Christians. And he does win over the flesh in the end. This is why Jesus comes and raptures us in great power and glory about 70 days after the Antichrist takes power or “no flesh be saved”.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Verses 8 and 9 remind the reader to hear what Jesus is saying. That the reprobate unbelievers that take the mark of the beast are damned for all eternity.
The only way to escape eternal damnation is through Jesus our Lord and Savior.
This is why I laugh anymore at all the expended futile efforts of anyone putting their faith in politicians or anything of this world. As if any of it matters. The only thing that matters is that we do the work of our Lord Jesus Christ and spread the Gospel to get people saved so they will avoid hell. To get as many people saved as possible for, we are nearing the end of days.
God the Father wants as many people as possible to be saved and time is running out. At some point the door will be shut and the unsaved populations of the earth will be judged and punished. All that is required to be saved to avoid the wrath of the Father is to believe on his Son, the name above all, Jesus Christ.
Just call on the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, believe and trust, and you shall be saved.
Today was a solid follow-up to yesterday’s steady selling. SPX lost 4300 after losing 4500 and 4400 yesterday. The wave count matches the predicted selling intensity of a wave (3) just beginning its initial fury perhaps. If this is a “kickoff” of Intermediate wave (3) down, then at the coming worst spots of wave (3) the selling intensity will likely be above some of the days that occurred in the 2020 downdraft.
Technically speaking and sentiment-wise, there is nothing for the bulls to hang their hat on and say with confidence that this was just a 2-day dip. Selling intensity was highest today since the November peak occurred. Of course, we’ll have big bounces but that’s why we count waves.
Can you imagine the entire world aligned in extreme negative social mood? In addition to all the biblical end times signs I have been blogging about, the wave structures suggest a coming great collective negative social mood.
The Composite closed back into a bear market this week.
Junk debt broke lower today closing under its wave (1) low, a foreshadow perhaps of where the market overall is heading. A rapidly rising rate environment and trillions upon trillions of worthless paper promises make up the abominable global Ponzi scheme. You can’t cheat God forever.
Payment is coming due. Payment for the stolen money from future generations. Payment for killing 50 million babies. Payment for the promotion of wickedness in high places and low. It’s all coming due. And it will be paid for double in blood.
50 million times double = 100 million is only a down payment just for the dead babies we sacrificed to Moloch. And that is just in America….
The Lord is a terrible and dreadful God. I may be saved, but when Jesus comes in the clouds with all power and great glory with a long, loud, blasting trumpet sound and great celestial skyshows and earthquakes, even I’ll probably be crapping in my pants, and I want him to come because I’m saved.
Revelation Chapter 6 describes the events that will occur with the coming of the Lord:
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
It is not too late to get right with Jesus. It’s a simple free gift of grace. And once given, it will never be taken back (it’s a gift remember!) Just believe on the Lord Jesus, that he died for our sins and was resurrected 3 days later and you shall be saved. God didn’t make it hard for us. Romans 10:
Sooner or later, Russia’s pipelines will be sabotaged. It is a surreal situation. Europe is shipping weapons to Ukrainians to kill Russians yet buy their gas from them. At some point it would be logical to blow up the pipelines. It wouldn’t be hard. I imagine that is being planned for and the “green light” hasn’t yet been given. But it is coming.
As I have been saying over the last several posts the whole point of this war is to effect regime change (Putin) in Russia because Babylon USA requires it to assemble the New World Order. Putin is resisting the NWO. That doesn’t make him “righteous”, it just makes him the target of the Western powers who are already clearly under the control of Satan. Biden looks already possessed by a devil as does Kameltoe Harris and Jenny P. All the Western leaders are in bed with the devil. They say Satan has a permanent seat at the house of Rothschild in the U.K. Boris Johnson is of the devil also. As is all the Western leaders.
Zelensky is the puppet put into place to carry it out. The US regime does not give a squat about the Ukrainians. They are being used for the purpose of Satan. And that purpose is to assemble the final kingdom of the earth to bring in his fake Messiah and take over the earth.
Quite the intraday turnaround. Not only couldn’t the S&P 500 hold 4500, but it also lost 4400 by the end of day.
As far as wave structure, the Wilshire count is very satisfying:
The DJIA had a new wave (2) recovery high which was not followed by any other indexes showing a fractured market.
Negative social mood in China is reflected in their stock market. 400 million under lockdown.
the long uptrend in bonds from the early 1980’s has been decisively broken.