What is there to say at this point? We are awaiting the OSHA “rule” to come out and then the mass mandates from the corporate whores. It is late September and the purposeful loss of jobs worldwide – inflicted by the global satanic elite – begins. The stock market is still creaking at an elevated level. If Armageddon, otherwise known as the end of Daniel’s 70th week, is September 21st, 2028, this means the Antichrist is already here on earth and the war in heaven has occurred. But we have no proof yet.
I believe the Antichrist is a demon, the #2 in command under Satan. When the demon comes to earth, he must inhabit a body. Scripture supports the view that the Antichrist makes a secret blood pact with the human global elite and that amount of time takes 1 week. I suspect this is when he will possess his human bodily host. We just don’t know if that is going on just yet. There is no evidence as of yet. Peace is still on this earth. Social mood is waning very negative in a synergistic manner at multiple wave degrees. We are not partying like it is 1999. So the conditions are completely “ripe”.
The vaccine campaign is a real-life foreshadow of the real mark of the beast. I trust it to be God’s plan. God is allowing this to happen. It is in my view that God is testing us. A pre-test. I explain it all in these two posts here and here. That is why I will never lie about me taking this vaccine. I refuse to lie about it even if it means jail. I will not be able to lie about the coming mark of the beast, so I vow to remain faithful on my honesty about the jab. I could very easily fake a vaccine passport and have no worries. It has yet to go digital secure (that is coming). But I strongly feel that if I do lie, I will be failing in God’s eyes. My trust instead is completely on our Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t care if I lose my job.
This is God’s test and I want to pass it with flying colors and warn others of the same. For what else could it be but God’s plan? For at some point, the war against the “unvaccinated” will turn into a war on the last unvaccinated holdouts. And guess what that group will be? Bible-believing Christians. In fact it is already happening. That is exactly how the mark of the beast campaign will be, a war against Christians. Why? Because even though the global satanic cabal think they actually can pull off their Georgia Guide stone genocide plans of worldwide enslavement, they know there is something there. The only group they have no power over is saved Christians which is why we will be afflicted greatly. They hate and fear the name of Jesus Christ which is why they defile it so. I want to be faithful and true I would like to make it to the rapture alive it would be an honor.
Jesus cast out demons many times in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. These are important stories and my assertion that the Antichrist and False Prophets are demons who possess human hosts is (likely in some kind of blood ceremony maybe knowingly to the host or maybe not) probably close to the truth. Again, I have proposed the Four Horses of the Apocalypse are The Antichrist, Satan, the False Prophet, and Hell/Death. Jesus comes down from heaven on a white horse to establish his 1000-year Kingdom on earth so the four horses also are probably coming from heaven also after losing the war with Michael the archangel.
Something very weird has been happening in Australia. They seem quite evil and satanic already with the open police brutality and loss of liberty. They are the model for the world I guess. Going house to house for “wellness” checks.
These two unrepentant, reprobate, pieces of human scum that God has obviously abandoned long ago deserve a special place in hell. They can’t wait to harm and maim the children. Its a bloodlust ritual. The masking of the world is another such ritual.