Elliott Wave Update ~ 31 Aug 2022

Working its way lower. The DJIA has major overlap ruling out an impulse wave to the upside. Junk is leading lower. Europe is getting hammered with skyrocketing energy bills and businesses will be forced to close (but that is what the elite want).

The Demonrats are trying to instigate civil war with the MAGA Trumpsters. At some point in the distant future, the targeting of the right will become the targeting of Christians. Stay out of it all! The Antichrist will rise to power first and his demon armies will WIN is what the bible predicts. Christians LOSE and enter in great tribulation, and many will be killed. But Jesus comes back and raptures us 70 – 75 days after the Abominations of Desolations.

So, we have that going for us.

NYSE another negative breadth thrust event at the same levels that I predicted it would happen. 13 days is pretty bearish on top of a 10-day event.