Elliott Wave Update ~ 8 Sep 2022


Well, September 8th has come and no global war breakout – as of just yet. But a curious thing happened “unexpectedly” today nonetheless; Queen Elizabeth, Chief Satanist High Priestess Witch of the Underworld on Earth has died after over 70 years of rule as Queen entertaining Satan on occasion at the House of Rothschild in England.

Or was she sacrificed to Moloch?

70 years is an extremely prophetic number of God. Satan likes to “copycat” all things in the bible.

Yes, I’m having fun with things, but she has surely descended into the lower parts of hell to be tormented day and night. She was reprobate on earth, twice dead while still “alive” in her earthly body having lost her soul and given over to Satan many, many decades ago.

I really do think she was one of the key chief Satanists ruling behind the scenes. Certainly, her husband Prince Philip, who died last year after an unnaturally long life (for being an inbred) was indeed a chief architect of the coming New World Order and a hater of humankind. So, it is no insignificant thing that she died on September 8th, a day I was watching for something weird to happen.

As far as 70 years of time in the bible there are 2 biblically prophetic time periods that use this number: 1) The 70 years of captivity of the ancient kingdom of Judah to Babylon. 2) Daniel’s “70 weeks of years” of which I have proposed that we started 28 Oct 2021. (The year Prince Philip died).

The Queen’s 70 years of reigning has covered almost the entire period of the modern impostor wicked nation of Israel birthed by Satan and the United Nations in the year 1948. If Satan is “copycatting” Judah’s captivity in the Old Testament, this would mean that the fake nation of Israel is now, once again, “free” in the eyes of the Satanists that rule this earth and worship Lucifer, the Devil.

Yes, I am speculating, but the 70 years is uncanny. Perhaps the Queen had power, given by Satan, over the global Jewish-led cabal and the Kabbalistic offshoot Freemasons and harbored ill-will toward them and retarded their global NWO machinations. The cabal that wants to “get on” with getting on and subjugating the world for the sake of themselves and Satan to form the one world government, one world religion, and one world currency to rule us all.

Perhaps, the queen simply didn’t want to give up her sovereign power and peace in old age. Perhaps it took her death to “unleash” the coming literal hell on earth.

But yes again, I am having fun speculating on the deeper meaning of a 96-year-old wicked reprobate queen of the ancient nation empire of the United Kingdom, an often-overlooked major player nation in the grand scheme of the coming 7th Babylon empire, the New World Order. A key nation, 1 of the proposed 10 of the end times (those that possess nuclear weapons).

And of course, Daniel’s 70th week prophecy. She died within the first year of my proposed timeline of Daniel’s 70th week. A prophetic 315 days into it.

Very curious indeed. Her and her evil dead husband, expired in 2021 (he was 99) and 2022 (she was 96).


Minute [ii] is still the call. I’ll look either foolish or brilliant. I don’t care.

The target box for Minute [ii].