Elliott Wave Update ~ 7 Sep 2022

Tomorrow is Sep 8th. I’ve had my eye on this date for quite some time. It is the proposed date of the Second Horse of the Apocalypse in which the second seal is opened of the Book of Wrath in Heaven and here on earth peace is taken away by Satan who rules the mortal world.

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

So, we have that going for us to watch for.

In any case, I am not dogmatic about this prophesy chart timeline. (Kind of like my wave counts LOL). The bottom line is this: If expanded global war does not break out in the next few months – certainly by the end of 2022 – then I am probably wrong about this timeline chart.

Again, my proposed Antichrist is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He meets the qualifications so far: 1) he is Jewish. 2) he is “speaking great things” 3) they all pledge fealty to him 4) he is a warrior-rogue figure 4) He is not of the 10 final nations of the NWO making him the “little horn” of the Book of Daniel (I propose the 10 nations are the 10 nuclear weapon nations of which there are currently nine).

So, he must start rising in power and global status very soon according to my timeline. A “win” over Russia, any kind of win, a military or diplomatic win will greatly enhance his stature in the world. People laugh at him now – just like imitating David and Goliath (Satan plagiarizes the bible stories) and he is certainly the underdog.

But if he is the “real” Antichrist of Revelation, he will win and eventually in time “all will be amazed”. Revelation 12:

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

What really freaks me out is Zelenskyy is so fevernly militant and speaks great “victories” as if he took lessons from “Baghdad Bob” (who remembers him? – bah probably not many of you!). But I know better and keep my eyes on his every move.

Besides, Putin is probably “in on it” as a card-carrying WEF member and his task is to wreck Russia for the sake of the Devil and the New World Order. It certainly seems like it. Everyone expected a “win” months ago and Russia seems to have lost the offensive.

We shall see.

We’ll call Minute [i] low, channeling works very well with price lows of waves one and three and two and four connecting nicely. The “last hurrah” above 4000 SPX?

The world is SO FUCKED and everyone knows it. Sorry for the language, but it seemed appropriate.

The target window for [ii], I only expect a price rise above (iv) of [i] at the least so the box sits below the 38.2% Fib which I normally don’t do for the sake of a wave two.

Yesterday’s post it was explained how Minor 1 of (3) is meant to advance prices beneath (1) and this is how we determine the projected subwave count. It looks bearish if this is correct.

Waves 3 and 5 of an impulse (1) can often be used to make a trendline to project the higher degree price of wave (3). Thought I’d show this, i’ll look brilliant if it comes to pass. You know, “a kid and a ruler” (you know the thing that makes straight lines, the engineers use the word “scale”)

NYSE was due for a bounce.

Right now, the projected rate hike definitely leans toward 3/4 point. But we may be approaching the top of a wave (1) after the hike or even before so we shall see. A market panic plunge may be what drives people back into short term bonds of which the pace of the rise in rates has been historically steep and quick.

10 year note price count not quite reaching a new low yet for wave (5)