Fixed some errors in dates and grammar and such.
A nine year old has dreams of the end times events particularly the rapture. Also I noted at the end, she mentioned that bombs will be coming to America. From what I have learned over the last 3+ months, her descriptions are accurate not only in events that happen, but the order of events. Basically she has is describing the “vaccine” campaign as the foreshadowing of the coming mark of the beast. More here.
She also mentions that we will be fighting Satan. This is when Jesus comes down on a white horse and slays Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet at the Battle of Armageddon. The saved of course follows Jesus down and we are his army doing battle also. Perhaps we will be singing a biblical song as we follow on our white horses and that defeats them.
She mentions the rapture happens very fast. Everything matches exactly as what I have been writing about. Here is the order of her dream and I will respond to how I interpret the details:
Microchip coming into the house when everyone was sleeping and passed everyone’s heads and eventually landed on the kitchen table. The table had a hole in it.
I take this as Bill Gates is a representation of the Antichrist and the mark of the beast passing over the people because they rejected it and falling through and not being able to have any effect. Remember, the actual mark of the beast is IN the right hand or IN the forehead (if you don’t have a right hand). It is an actual electronic implanted chip that allows you to buy or sell.
Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci comes in with 3 “guards” and wants to give people the “vaccine”. The people, we, are raptured before they can give it.
I take this to mean that the evil ones wish us to take the mark of the beast and we refuse. Perhaps we are in prison at this stage and we have guards. We are raptured just in time to Christ in the clouds. The rapture was fast and we “passed through every layers” and can see the tops of buildings if you listen to her description. It is amazing. Passing through every layers probably means we will be able to pass through walls physically and there will be no impediment to our rapture. So if you are working a mineshaft 2000 feet under the earth, you will not have any problem being raptured!
Bill Gates is a foreshadow of the Antichrist, one who makes great promises that only “vaccines” can save humanity. Dr. Fauci represents the False Prophet. He demands worship to the false beast, the “vaccines” and is a constant face to the world that we must worship the vaccines and the people (Gates) who enabled them.
And the fact that the girl had the dream and Gates and Fauci tried to give them the “vaccine” prior to the rapture is accurate. Because in reality, we will have to endure the real Antichrist and the real False Prophet prior to the rapture despite what millions of Pastors and priests tell you today.
She met Jesus and he is smiling yet we cannot see God’s face. We can see millions of people and millions of angels.
This is the rapture and the first resurrection, we are in heaven. Many times in the bible we cannot see God the Father’s face. Again, I blog the rapture here and here.
She looked back after the rapture to see how earth was doing and it was going very bad. “thunders, the rain came down, there was water, there was earthquake, and then a tsunami came all around the world.”
This is the God’s wrath pouring out on earth in 7 Trumpets and 7 vials. The beginning of God’s wrath happens the very same day of the rapture just like Sodom and Gomorrah and just like Noah in the flood. They were saved and then destruction started on the same day.
“We go to heaven and (then) we fight the devil. We fight the devil with the words of the bible.”
This describes the Battle of Armageddon where Jesus and his army (the saved – us!) come back and defeats Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet with the Word of God. Basically it’s a wipeout of evil led by Jesus Christ speaking the Word of God.
When the rapture happens our clothes turned into white. Old people became younger.
This is what happens to old people in every story I read about going to heaven and back. The old become a “perfect self” of about 28 years old. Of course Revelation mentions we are clothed in white raiment.
Bill Gates went to “school” and vaccinated some people and they became weird and crazy.
She is foreshadowing the mark of the beast again. If you take the mark, you are damned for eternity.
The rapture happens when there was a horn blowing.
The trumpet sounds are numerous in the Book of Revelation particularly at the rapture.
Electricity was off at the rapture.
To be expected. There will not be a worldwide “news” event of the dead rising, and the living being swept away at the rapture. It will be like a “thief in the night”, to those who are not saved!
The final words of her visons confirms the battle of the nuking of America (likely to happen just prior to the Battle of Armageddon)
There will be bombs going off, mostly on America on the 10th of October.
Again, America is “Babylon USA” as described in Revelation. The 10 October date is most amazing and pushes back my speculative 21 September 2028 date as the Battle of Armageddon (and the same day Christ establishes his 1000 year rule).
The 9 year old girl does not mention a year but since it was September 2020 when she gave the interview, most who have watched this video probably assumes it was supposed to happen Oct 10, 2020. Not so!
So based on this, this means that September 21st 2028 is not correct (it was always a guess based on a 3 month window) but Octber 10th, 2028 may indeed be the correct date. We shall see!
If that is the case, then Daniel’s 70th week will not start until 10 October 2021!. That is still a few weeks away. Nonetheless, it gives us more time for evil buildup.
And finally I will say this: Even if this is all a setup by the girl and the interviewer ( I don’t believe it to be a hoax) the “hoax” perfectly matches my interpretation of Revelation and my insistence that the current “vaccine” is a foreshadowing of the real mark of the beast to (and here) come. I had not thought of Bill Gates as a foreshadowing of the Antichrist (or the devil perhaps), and I had not thought of Dr. Fraudci being a foreshadow of the False Prophet. The one who goes on TV excessively and demanding we worship the “science” of vaccines. It is the perfect foreshadowing of a man who speaks great things and demands we worship false things, yet it is all a pack of lies.
So this video actually could be a clue that the real date of Armageddon will be October 10th, 2028 which still fits perfectly with the interpretation of the timing of Daniel’s 70th week end date.
So basically the date the decree went out in 457 BC was December 17th. That will result in an October 10th, 2028 Battle of Armageddon date.
Pretty cool huh? So that means we actually have a few weeks before the start of the Tribulation. Add 907,200 days to the date of the decree of Artaxerxes. Thus, 2520 years times 360 prophetic days = 907,200 days to solve Daniel’s 70th week!
The amazing thing about the 9-year old’s testimony is that nothing in it disputed what I have been blogging about concerning the end times; in fact it reinforced it. So I will listen to the signs from wherever they happen to come, even an obscure video of a nine year old girl on Bitchute.