How is it that I have put in 1000’s of hours researching everything about the vaccine issues/pandemic/health I had not run across “Indoctornation”? (But of course I know the answer to that question also). Despite coming out last year, the power of media suppression means it only has 138,000 views on Bitchute.
Yet, I am heartened as I had come to all these conclusions on my own. All of the information in the video I already deeply knew. Yet the video is so powerful, I must share it for it expresses everything I have been saying. And of course there is so much information I did not know, it shocks even me.
I had watched Plandemic (interview with Judy Mikovitz) last summer and of course she was smeared into oblivion. That short 26 minute video is considered Part 1.
However Part 2, Indoctornation, delves so deeply into the corrupt media, Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation etc. that they haven’t even bothered to “fact check” it anywhere because the media do not want to draw any attention to it. There is simply no way to fact check Part 2.
I feel like an idiot for not having already watched Part 2. But oh well, the truth comes no matter the route.
And there will be a Part 3 coming out this summer I believe. I “think” from what I understand, it will be about health and a message of hope. And it too, will undoubtedly back up what I have been saying on health and spiritual issues and why we get sick and how not to. (Hint #1 – Don’t take vaccines!)
One of the lawsuits making its way through the court system is the Houston Methodist Hospital System. They have until June 7th to get vaccinated. 117 out of some 26,000 employees refused. I have a few comments and observations of course:
I hate the argument people make when they say they shouldn’t be made to take vaccines under EUA “because they are not FDA approved” which obviously gives unearned authority to the hopelessly corrupt (and evil I might add for anyone that works there and goes along) FDA. They would bring more attention if they argued from a standpoint that they are not vaccines by definition, that they are dangerous, that the efficacy rates are a lie, and that its “their body, their choice”, including vaccines of all types. The madness has to stop.
So even if they win their lawsuit, when the FDA does approve the “vaccines”, they will then be fired again. And thus, they will have no further basis for another lawsuit.
This evil action of the CEO Marc Boom should not go unchallenged. In fact, he should be called to testify if he took the vaccine himself under oath. Additionally they should get a trial by jury. Make a circus of the situation. Attack the court case from all angles. But they won’t of course and they will lose. And this case will unfortunately set a precedent for the rest of the corporate whore CEO’s to direct their lines of business all get vaccinated. But of course most CEO’s and board members will not take the poison shot. They didn’t get to where they are by being stupid.
This is actually an example of Phase 4 which I talked about yesterday. Phase 4 is where they shut the “unvaccinated” out of society – which of course is already happening. How far will they go in Phase 4? Well that depends if Joe Biden reaches his precious 70% of adults vaccinated which apparently he has been ordered to accomplish for the nation. Because he certainly can’t think for himself.
Phase 5 is, of course, mandatory vaccinations or face fines, prison, or loss of your children, unable to leave your house, get medical treatment, etc. The worst case scenario is the military is deployed and they come and jab you whether you like it or not.
The best case (and most probable – at least for now) is that there is a “mixture” of laws depending on where you live and what governor you have at the moment. But that can change when they just steal the next election. Also you have to remember Texas – the supposedly freest state run by a Republican Governor and legislature – hasn’t said squat and they will let their Corporate overlord whores do what they want. AS you might have noticed EVERY Republican has pushed the shots. EVERY ONE OF THEM. You will find no solace in the politicians. We have a few that pushed back a little – like Desantis – but he still pushes the poison jabs nonetheless. In the end it won’t much matter, cause the evildoers are playing the long game here.
Tell me, what good is a law in a state against “vaccine passports” (I think Texas passed one) if you just lost your ability to earn a decent living because you didn’t have a fucking vaccine passport?? What good was that law for again? Its all theatre.
Remember, everyone who got the shot has been “marked” in a database. You were required to fill out all your information. Sure there will be holes and a lot of mistakes, but bureaucrats are gonna bureaucrat. Thus, if Phase 5 comes around they can simply use this database. Yes eventually the vaccine “passport” system will be consolidated and unified.
This entire situation is a “frog in a boiling pot”. I get laughed at regularly like I’m off the deep end but I have been fairly accurate over the last year concerning the jab and what steps they are taking. The sad thing is that every time something comes to pass those that laughed at me won’t come around to my side, they will have formed by then a valid reason in their minds on why I should be denied shopping at the local ACME. So yes 1 month they laugh at me when I say I’ll be denied groceries and then when it comes to pass, they will agree with the position that I should be denied groceries. Just like a boiling pot. Incrementally they push this slowly and slowly and the mass propaganda is arguably on par or better with what occurred in NAZI Germany.
Back to the lawsuit. Now that 26,000 idiots in the Houston healthcare system has been “marked”, registered and fully captured, what happens when the “booster” shot is a natural part of the next progressive phase of the boiling pot? I can quite imagine come December 2021, employees will be forced to get a booster shot or face unemployment. Or was this all only good for just 2 shots and we are done forever?
No of course we are not done forever! The shots – all shots – all “vaccines” – all jabs of every kind – are just one component of Big Medicine/Big Pharma that is making the world SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE. (Watch the video). We will be facing never-ending diseases, disorders, and lung ailments and it will of course ramp up again – as it always does – for this coming “flu season”. And when it does, they will demand more shots which of course will finish the job on a very lot of people. But they are the boiling frogs and they are like a mouse placed in a cage with a viper. The mouse will go up and sniff the viper and BLAM! the mouse gets jabbed with poison and dies.
So again, I usually ask those who get the jab if they are ready for the 3rd one. Most say no they won’t take it, and maybe they mean it, but we’ll see. I then ask them, well if you won’t take the third, why the fuck did you take the first 2 and allow yourself to be captured into the system in the first place?
To wrap this rant up, I will predict that those who got the jabs AND go and get more jabs within this next year – many will get very sick as their bodies may react in ways not anticipated (nor looked for). So the flu shot will be particularly deadly this year.
As Judy Mikovits said in the video, stop taking jabs and medicines of all kinds and learn to heal yourself with proper diet, nourishment and stop being a slave to Big Medicine because they will kill you in the end like they did my mother and brother.
I will always be free as I have learned the most important lesson of my life – that the world is an extremely corrupted place and the people running things at every level of society and institution (they are all captured) don’t give a damn if you die or not, particularly the Germ (Virus) Theory Occultists and those who push the evil shots into our just born babies and the elderly unable to speak for themselves and all of us in between.
Yes, I am a proud anti-vaxxer and you should be too. Wake up people, the water is starting to bubble!
Wilshire made a new daily closing high. One small push of .26% and it will be an intraday high.
The new top alternate is some kind of summer rally situation as shown in the last few posts. This is the only chart I have that shows this potential.
The rest of the charts shows the entire rally from March 2020 as an extended wave (5) of [5] of V of (V) situation. Basically what this says is that a “top” made a lot of sense last year but the market decided to extend. Thus the Intermediate wave (5) keeps playing out until it runs out of waves which it appears ready to do. These extended wave count fives have a finite endpoint. They don’t extend forever.
What makes these counts attractive is they are really the only thing that works best on the DJIA, the NYSE and even the German DAX. The last chart shows the Wilshire 5000 chart from the standpoint of an extended wave (5) and it works just as well too.
Dollar. I keep hearing talk of the always imminent dollar collapse but against what? The Euro? The Pound? The Yuan? They are all up to their asses in debt as much as we are if not more! The chart has been basing for a long time. My prediction is at some point in the coming collapse new all-time dollar highs are coming.
What everyone should worry about is the bonds. Bonds go worthless first and are sold into dollars. Oh sure the Fed plays a massive shell game with the Primary Dealers in hiding the debt, parking it in various schemes and “programs” without outright monetizing it as best they can, but sooner or later there can be no more debt issued.
What really should piss people off is just what right did the Fed have in buying up to 7 trillion dollars in “assets” anyway? For you know in the coming collapse they will claim to own everything that is on their books – except government paper. They probably will let the government and municipal bonds selloff thus massively contracting the government at all levels who will then be unable to do anything such as provide basic services, etc. and keep the MBS, corporate debt, etc. That was probably part of the plan all along anyway. Once the system collapses they won’t care if they instantly become America’s largest landlord and Corporate overlord. And we’ll all be wondering, why do they own everything?
The Fed in the end is the world’s biggest private bank and they are part and parcel of the coming NWO. Biden and all his lackeys are not. They really did give Biden the jab and I don’t think he will last too much longer mentally not that he was in any kind of mental shape prior to that anyway.
Would you be anxious to buy this 30 year bond price chart? It’s had an awful long run.
Yesterday’s CPCE. Goosing it like they did before but the goosing is losing effectiveness as noted on the monthly Wilshire 5000 chart, the peak volume bars were January/February. We have an “all idiots are already in” situation. That much is clear just from the masses taking the jab without question!
Just to be sure you are living in a nightmare, I present this final bit of lunacy:
It went from people rightly questioning (as I have) “does Covid even exist?” to “Of course Covid exists, because it was engineered in a lab and released by China!”
See how that works? It kept your eyes averted from the real truth, that “vaccination” has been an ongoing scam for some 220 years and running. Because think of it – if you come around to my way of thinking and realizing that “contagious virus” theory is a scam – the entire house of Big Medicine comes crashing down because you’ll also come to realize the true cause of ALL disease is toxemia – and they don’t want us to explore that at all!
(That’ll be a post for the weekend – I’ll provide a lot of links to all the books I have read on the subject including ones from 1935, 1956, 1958 and several more from the recent era. Pandemics are a real thing, but not caused from what they are telling us).
And oh, nothing will ever come of the “engineered and released” from a lab story. NOTHING! Except perhaps if they need a future reason to go to war or provoke China – and since we are so China-dependent – destroy America’s economy (middle class to be quite specific) then so be it. It’s an “ace card” in the hole to be played if and when needed by the usual suspects of Global Elitists who insist we give up meat and eat bugs.
Who does the all-of-a-sudden lab leak story benefit after being literally banned from all media for more than a year? Certainly not me and you!
I missed making a point I meant to make with the commentary. As I suggested, the collapse is coming if they continue on this destructive path of American society, indeed Western society as a whole (but that is their point!). Particularly if they push through with the “punishment” Phase 4. For at least 20% will likely not take the jab and it may be much higher. Push comes to shove and if corporations start indiscriminately laying off 20% of their workforces what do you think that will do to the bottom lines?
Take a company like Boeing. Think they can afford to lose 20% of their workers? Or even just 15%? Or 10%? Remember, these are indiscriminate, not targeted layoffs. Your best workers in critical skill positions out the door with no recourse and believe me the Vice Presidents of the line of businesses are pricks that will make this happen and they don’t give a shit about the “peons” nor the bottom line particularly since so many of the assholes publicly got the shot for the entire corporation to see in some bullshit shot video. They will want revenge.
The CEO’s and probably board members will of course quietly be exempt the shot or if they say they get one, a carefully crafted lie will be constructed. VP’s? They are expected to “take one for the team” don’t you know? And I don’t think they like that fact.
The collapse “reason” (for those who require one) is staring us all in the face people. It’s coming.
For come July through August, we’ll see two things happen that will take us to the next phase 4:
1) Full FDA approval 2) Corporations giving jab deadlines or else you get fired. They are fully invested in this people. Again, are you ready for shot(s) #3 and #4? For a spike protein that is turning out to be a deadly pathogen?
Wake up people. One by one, wake up! We are living in a mass psychosis. That should be clear to you if you follow the markets which is why you come to this blog seeking evidence of a never-seen before massive top of a Grand Supercycle financial peak . But this mass psychosis is not limited to just financial markets.
Here is a question I want you to ask yourself: Will the debt (sovereign, corporate, personal) debt ever, ever be repaid? Most will say no of course not but I am not so sure that’s the response I would get anymore.
The collapse is coming.
Yesterday’s CPCE reading – again, super juiced. Yet not much price reaction.
Primary count of the Wilshire suggests its over.
However the problematic alternate count is still a possibility for lack of anything better at the moment.
There is another alternate count option. This count has the market continue to “correct” sideways in perhaps a triangle structure or a “double three” corrective structure. This would require a some adjustment to the wave labels. Minor 4 becomes Intermediate (4) and then we don’t have the overlap problem of Minor 4 and 1 in the previous alt count as shown on the 30 min above this chart. It really doesn’t change the nature of the count(s), it only reflects the possibility that a summer rally would best be labeled this way. But first Intermediate (4) would have to “finish out” and that would probably mean a price drop is coming down to C of (4) or something along those lines.
VIX is sleep-walking. June is a month of Phase 3 “gentle coercion, bribes and other such menial incentives” to reach Biden’s national “vaccination” goal of 70% of adults. That sure is important huh? Apparently not enough parents are sacrificing their kids to the jab demands.
Excellent video here getting to the heart of the manner: There is no disease-causing viruses and there has never been any proof. The entire Germ (Virus) Theory rests on a lie. Once you realize this (as I have recently), the entire house of cards comes crashing down concerning the Wuhan Flu, the lockdowns, the masks, the “vaccines”. As I have written about before, I happen to think Dr. Fraudci does not believe in Germ Theory either. His mannerisms and casual lying and now the leaked emails make it pretty clear he was never concerned about any real virus.
So it wasn’t leaked from a lab. Because there is nothing there to leak. But why is that story gaining traction after being shutdown for a year?
It’s to keep everyone believing that the Covid virus exists. Many people have come to question Germ Theory, mystery viruses, etc. The push for a vaccine needs a new angle to the story. Having the idea of a killer virus engineered in a lab (which they won’t be able to prove anyway!) scares people. It may even be used as an excuse to get people mandatorily vaccinated as the willing idiots have run their course.
So it makes perfect sense. The mass vaccinations push has slowed to a trickle…so now is the hard part; convincing people that everyone must get the shot. They don’t need to convince ME, only my employer, my grocer, my doctor, my family members. But you have to keep the people convinced the virus is real and MOST people will readily believe the lab theory. But more importantly it keeps everyone believing that viruses are real which is the key to the entire Wu Flu house of cards.
One thing he mentions is that 5G can cause people sickness to include flu-like symptoms. Read The Electric Rainbow. This book also describes the mass human experiments they did with Spanish Flu and they couldn’t prove it was contagious although they tried and tried to infect healthy people with all kinds of ways from sick people. We have known the power of the electrified world can cause harm for over 270 years.
OK, a very nice person emailed me and told me how to make the pictures “clickable” so they open and expand bigger just like in BlogSpot. I knew there was probably a way but it wasn’t intuitive until he told me it was possible, so I played around and figured it out.
So click away!
Proposed Minute [ii] is getting long in the tooth. There is a bit more room for a Minute [ii] peak so we’ll go with it and consider that wave v of (c) is extending.
Alternate is that we get a new high very soon. This count kind of cheats because wave 4 is not supposed to overlap with wave 1. So I don’t really like it, however it would match well with the subsequent DJIA count shown underneath.
DJIA. This chart has been maddening. However, there is a valid “extended” wave (5) count and as such, by Elliott Wave guideline, we can expect a 10,000 points very swift price collapse once it’s over for starters. This count would about coincide with the above Wilshire alternate.
The triangle is still an option however it would be so large that it could no longer be considered Minor 4 of (5). We would have to consider it’s Intermediate (4) itself and requires a reconfigure of some subwaves. This count implies a summer rally to peak prior to September.
It kind of makes sense looking at where a potential (3rd of a 3rd) would be. And then once the peak comes, and the “flu” shot season is well underway starting in August, we should start to see “lung ailment” season show an uptick in cases. Of course they likely will all be coded “Covid”. But October is a long way off. A lot of people are going to be surprised of the coming sickness this Fall/Winter. There may be a “3rd” Covaids shot but 175 million flu shots (last year was 192 million) between August and December will likely bring about many lung ailment deaths considering the shots are dumped on top of the 2021 Covaids jabulations.
Again, I estimate between August 2020 and December 2021, between just the Covaids shots and the flu shots, Big Pharma will have jabbed some 800 million shots in a country of 331 million people. If the Covaids “booster” is required it’ll likely top 1 billion jabs. Is it any wonder we get so sick??
So yes, I am predicting another nasty wave of lung ailments and hospitalizations as a result later this year and I don’t even subscribe to Germ Theory!
Again, I throw this count option out here because if we DO get a price drop and a triangle (or some other continued corrective forms) then it’s likely Intermediate (4) and not Minor 4 of (5).
And thus the weekly would count like this for the summer rally count:
“But Dan, viruses have to be real, I should know, I got the Covid, and my mother got it and I know people who died from it so your nuts.”
And my mother went in the hospital four years ago with a minor “common” infection where her permanent kidney tube protruded from her stomach. She never made it out alive of that hospital. They killed her within 10 days after being endlessly jabbed, medicated, “procedured”, jabbed again, medicated some more and yet more (botched) “procedures”. The longer she was in, the worse she got. She would have been better off seeing a homeopathic doctor but my mother was a slave to the Big Medicine system her whole life. She was a doctor worshipper so to speak. And they eventually killed her.
My brother died not long before her. Only 61, he certainly had comorbidities, smoked for decades but when he finally quit he blew up to 360 pounds. Eventually he got skin cancer, got major operations for it and then developed other weird cancers. He too went into a hospital with a congested heart (after foolishly taking a trip to Hawaii – the long flights damaged him) and never made it out alive. He hated doctors but in the end he submitted to everything and he died anyway.
Both my mom and brother were hard-headed and couldn’t be talked out of anything. Your typical “know-it-alls”. They were often sick because of their lifestyle choices or more importantly, their belief that any sickness was not really their fault nor could they do anything about it. Or their refusal to do anything about it. Their “terrain” was bad for decades, they did nothing to learn anything different and they died as a result. Particularly my brother.
The above describes 80 – 90% of America and Europe, maybe even the entire world at this point. We think we all “know” things, particularly about medicine, and its maddening the lemming-think that is occurring. Our blind, misguided trust in Big Medicine has never been higher. I have seen extremely health-conscious individuals who are in great shape, nonetheless blindly sign up and get the shots and pollute their blood with not even a nano-second of research or thinking!
Just because I no longer believe in Virus (Germ) Theory doesn’t make lung ailments not real. Covid is real in the sense that lung ailments that kill are real. Of course they are real and over the centuries lung ailments of all types have killed millions! It’s no different today. Am I denying millions did not die of the Spanish Flu? Of course not! All I am saying is that sickness has been around since the dawn of man and our lungs – one of the major ways the bodies tries to expel toxins, poisons and other things – can and do get sick.
I also happen to believe that something along the lines of social mood theory is in play. That psychosomatic causes are partly responsible for “pandemics”. If your body is in a poor shape and experiencing emotional trauma and stress (half of America), it probably can be “triggered” into ailments that you deathly fear. This family of sisters was a famous case that absolutely demands us believe that only a transmittable virus killed them, nothing more, nothing less. But is that really the case?
Yet one can see from the picture that most of the people had metabolic syndrome, thus their hormones were already out of whack. What drugs were they taking? What underlying conditions did they have? Did they all have low vitamin D levels? Diabetes? Were they prolific sunscreen users? Was there other periods in their lives when they all got sick at once? Did they get “vaccine” shots of all kinds on a regular basis? We don’t know any of these things yet they matter. The media exploited this poor family because they want to scare the rest of us and declare that a virus killed them all, end of story. But was it? We already know the PCR test is worthless. Did 1 or 2 get sick and the others fall into sickness from fear, worry and stress? We don’t know, and we will never know nor is anyone interested in exploring any other possible causes. The “virus” narrative has been set and we must abide in it or else we are called a denier.
“But Dan, there are WAY smarter people than you who know this stuff inside and out!” Your showing your ignorance here. Surely they know what they are talking about and studying about!”
Lets put it this way; I am a Christian and I believe in the Holy Bible. I do not believe the earth is billions of years old nor the universe. So I regard most allopathic doctors and scientists and virologists about in the same vein as astrophysicists. Astrophysicists are convinced they are sure about how the universe works. Quantum physicists are sure of how the very tiny things inside atoms works. Virologists haven’t even fulfilled Koch’s postulates, ever in one study. They have certainly tried (half-heartedly) and have had time and money to do so. So what gives?
How many anthropologists are Christians who have faith in the teachings of the Bible? I would venture almost none, mainly because the belief systems are largely incompatible. And speaking of anthropology where is the so-called missing link? And lets get that straight: Modern era science (from Darwin onward) has always been a belief system to the point of religiosity and largely corrupted I might add. The Theory of Evolution, Germ Theory, and The Big Bang Theory being 3 of the biggest theories that are not proven as fact, yet if you emphatically declare them to be likely false, you’ll be locked up in a loony bin and accused of being a “science denier” which is in fact a religiously-loaded accusation. Like being declared a witch.
The Big Bang theory doesn’t account for why energy throughout the universe has been measured as “equal” which completely and utterly refutes Big Bang theory in the first place! Yet they try and shoehorn reasons why that is so. It’s a religion in search of followers (and $$) is why. Only God the Creator could have been responsible for this evenly-distributed energy. He gave us the wisdom to see this fact. Yet they refuse.
All those theories do, in practice, is try to separate us from God and particularly Jesus. And that is perhaps by design of “science” to begin with.
I suppose one could postulate Social Mood theory is also a false religion. Yet, I happen to think that social mood theory is perfectly compatible with a forever sinning human race. It’s God’s way to ensure we don’t go too far in one direction or another and all at once kill ourselves off. For we do have Free Will. A self-regulating system so we don’t wipe ourselves out at the lows, nor at the highs.
However we have certainly gone long too far in one direction at a historic Grand Supercyclic peak and we are way overdue for a Grand correction of the entire era of “modern science”. Our extreme complacency, greed, fear, anger and risk all at the same time and our thoroughly corrupted institutions have caused us to take experimental gene therapy injections on a massive human scale with no thought at all. It’s delusional particularly since its is soeasy to research the very real risks! And they mean to force the rest of us – one way or another – to submit to the madness.
And to think we can literally “print” endless wealth which cheats God’s demand that we put real work and toil in our lives for the things we need and value. Well printing has been successful so far – up until it no longer works. We also now value the darkness. We “invest” in Bitcoins (we can’t see or feel), or we buy Non-Fungible Tokens for millions of dollars and somehow think that is something real and of value. What would Jesus do? Probably not be buying NFT’s!
I wake up thinking when will this spell of madness that has hold of all of humanity break? Alas, not until the mood turns down yet again and this time for a long duration. And we are not there yet. We probably haven’t even peaked yet. More likely the peak will more or less coincide with a FDA “vaccine approval” – i.e. peaking on the supposed ultimate “good news”. And that is expected soon.
Anyway, I am rambling now. There was a point to this post, but I suppose not.
One last theme; the non-Christians of the world hate (for those that are haters) Christians by far more than any other religion. Jesus Christ is the only religious figure that has been made into a cuss word of slander. Why is that?
I can only surmise because he is real. And the non-Christians running the world in secret societies who pretty much tell us openly their big nefarious plans for humanity, hate Jesus through and through. And that’s likely because they worship the god of this earthly world – Lucifer, The King of Lies. With His appearance on this earth some 2000 years ago, it caused the Luciferians to go underground which they thoroughly despise. And they mean to take revenge. And they are coming out of the underground and more and more into the open.
And I think this “vaccine” is the opening salvo in that regard. The concerted effort to create a One World Government and impose their evil plans on us. The have largely captured the churches from the Vatican on down to your local minister who is encouraging people get jabbed with monkey and aborted fetus cells or an mRNA mixture that affects your blood system. And that is not by accident.
Muslims are not mocked. Buddhists are not mocked. Jews are hated also, because Jesus sprung from the prophesies of the Old Testament, yet Israel exists. Atheists? They are secretly mocked the most because they believe in nothing (which in itself is a belief). Regardless the only thing that Luciferians fear is Jesus. Yet they cannot help but fulfill the prophesies of the Book of Revelation. And creating a one world (false) belief system is a large part of fulfilling those prophecies.
So be prepared! The coming storms will test a person’s soul.
Nothing from yesterday has changed in regards the count options.
CPCE. Some goosed low readings again. The computers are trying to play the same playbook – goose the market with even more leverage and cause yet another gamma squeeze price move. Will it work again?
SPX not far from a top and closed its open gap. DJIA has not closed its gap. NASDAQ still well below peak. Although the market is moving again in the same directions, they all have potential differing wave counts and that could be normal. Think of the 200o top which all the indexes bounced and poked up and down for a few months until it all came apart finally.
“The tension Americans can feel right now, trying to keep their jobs and go to work, is they know they can die of the vaccine, that’s the problem…The tension, you can cut it with a knife…they know what’s going on, the internet is full of these (bad) cases, blood clots, strokes, immediate death.”
And if you have 5 hours, this is the best documentary of the evil behind the ruling elites that is trying to form the one world global government and thus fulfill the prophecies of The Bible’s Book of Revelations. Of course the prophecies state that they will eventually succeed but the Lord Jesus Christ will come down from Heavan and smite them all and is victorious in the end. And that is why they hate him so much and do things in darkness and in secret.
Switching gears, I found another interesting video. The inventor of the PCR test tells it like it is concerning Fraudci. I wish this guy was still alive to help give sane voice against the madness going on all around. When dialing in the PCR for testing AIDS he asked for where the study came from on the supposed HIV virus. No one could answer and that’s when he realized it was all a fraud. Interesting to hear him speak of something I have been reading about in Virus Mania.
Ok, so I don’t believe in Virus (Germ) Theory. So what again is in the vaccines particularly the mRNA types? The magnet affects are bad enough and in my estimation is the reason for some of the toxicity and injuries. This new paper I found talks more about the ionized lipids and how this was the hardest part (and absolute key) of the vaccines. The jabs are not safe as the thousands and thousands of deaths in Europe and America alone will attest to that. And they are likely grossly undercounting. The paper also talks throughout how they tested many lipids and lipid structures and they always turned out to be just so damn toxic! Do you think they totally tidied up that little naggling concern of toxicity prior to this mass experiment on the entire human population?
Just using common sense based on the fact that these lipids are often hanging out at the injection site as proof, the synthetic nano-lipids are eventually taken deeper into the body and some wind up in the bloodstream. Now the bloodstream pumps hard, therefore these things can get whooshed around until they find a very slow-flowing tiny capillary where they can finally anchor themselves to the wall(s) and release their little payloads. And yes, the article mentions that these lipids can bind to any cell including endothelial (vascular linings) cells.
And if they travel in clusters because they are maintaining their tiny positive charge like mini-nano magnets (the article also says they elongate when charged), then they may be acting as a localized group within that capillary. And once the payloads are delivered, the adjoining cells produce something. And since I reject germ (virus) theory, I wouldn’t characterize it any longer as the “spike protein”, I’ll just call it a regular protein or some Frankenmonster cell particle they think is the virus. The body then identifies these things as foreign objects and the body is apparently clotting around these produced proteins coming out of the cells in which they were made. And if these capillary areas are tiny heart, lung or brain capillaries you can then have sudden deaths due to blood clots (heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, strokes and aneurisms). The CDC’s VAERS reports bear this out.
And since all the “vaccine” types (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AZ) shots equally cause clotting problems, its the payloads that are another potentially long term problem. The delivered payloads get into cells (any cells) and then produce whatever protein it is now coded to produce. This “thing” then is attacked by the body’s defenses. Clots may be ensuing if the payload had anchored inside the blood vessel wall as suggested above. Is this a permanent alteration of the cell? They say “trust us, it’s not” but do you trust them? Do they really know what the hell (or care) they are doing? (No they do not).
And what of the lipid itself? It is synthetic, not from nature. The article talks about how they are mixed in with other stuff to help it dissolve. How long does it take to dissolve? Well here is the answer from the paper: “The team made about 100 ionizable lipids and introduced ester linkages into the carbon chains of the lipids to help make them more biodegradable” Do they really biodegrade? How is this junk removed from the cells and then the body? Does this take 12 months or more? Will people be breaking out in severe rashes next year as their skin tries to expel all the leftover nano-sludge that’s been injected multiple times? Or will these collect and settle into organs and cause kidney/liver/brain problems down the road?
Remember, these things are nano-sized (billionths of a meter).
They talk about PH and how they had to have these nano-lipids tuned so they “work” correctly (so they don’t kill the host!). I really don’t think they work as well as they boast and they certainly are not guaranteed to work the same way in every body type particularly since we all have very differing PH levels depending on diet, etc. What PH levels are these tuned for? These people refuse to recognize what a horrible outcome the vaccines have been. It’s disgusting.
“The devil is absolutely in the details as far as lipid nano particles are concerned.” (The biotechnician/scientist said with glee)
Yes indeed, I am sure that is the case. The Devil is surely in there.
This is one of the spots in the wave structure that can catch you by total surprise one way or another. Either downside surprise or upside. Its a key junction. Although we have an adequate count to finish things off here, there is a bunch of open chart gaps (DJIA, NASDAQ Composite) and things just don’t seem “finished”.
For instance if we label the NYSE as an extended fifth wave (something I haven’t really shown until now), it works kind of nice yet it requires another price high.
[Note: On computers right click image and “open in new tab” for best viewing]
But back to the Wilshire 5000. I have 3 versions of squiggles. First version is that the rebound wave [ii] is over. Its down, down, down from here. That would be your downside surprise option.
The next best option is we cheat where waves 4 and 1 of (5) overlap just a tad and we get this. This would be your upside surprise option. Things would finish out. DJIA, NYSE and SPX along with the Wilshire 5000 gets new highs, perhaps the NASDAQ Composite comes close but at least fills its uppermost open chart gap.
The Composite would probably fulfill its upper open chart gap in the bullish scenario above.
The last option is just triangle action as shown on this Wilshire 5000 hourly chart. This extends time more than anything and then makes a new all-time high in June.
Vaccine approval(as opposed to disapproval) marks the very top, thus ending the Grand Supercycle peak on the greatest fraud, greed, risk, and complacency along with a hard dose of fear and division underneath it all and topped on supposedly “Good News”.
But the market can figure things out better than any one individual. I would expect that if a market high were to coincide with vaccine approval, that’s where things are going to start getting ugly. Mandatory vaccination laws, vaccine passports, etc. And in a plunging mood environment that is coming, social unrest will reach new levels.