Elliott Wave Update ~ 7 July 2022 and The False Prophet

I haven’t talked much about the False Prophet of the bible because according to my timeline he won’t be pumping up and promoting the Antichrist until later in 2023. The False Prophet of Revelation is a person (possessed by a high-level demon) who promotes the Antichrist. I have proposed the Antichrist is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Eventually the False Prophet will emerge that “promotes” the Antichrist to the world as being the Messiah to all of mankind.

Obviously, a lot of world leaders have actually been doing that very thing and I could conclude that one of them is the False Prophet. Yet, I don’t think that is how it will play out. Macron a False Prophet? Trudeau? Hardly. I think there may be a lot of people jockeying for that position, but the REAL False Prophet has yet to emerge.

Yet at the same time, obviously the False Prophet is already a living adult man. And that man would probably have great influence and perhaps actually be a billionaire who controls/owns the means of mass global communication to be able to carry out the plans of Satan of promoting the Antichrist to position of NWO world leader. Is there such a person today?

Yes. Elon Musk. My early frontrunner for False Prophet. A man who is neither hot nor cold, neither completely hated nor completely loved by all sides of the political spectrum. A truly weird man. He owns Starlink which will likely survive the coming God’s wrath period and now he bought Twitter, the means to communicate to the world. He is reprobate and not a Christian, is a WEF member, and he would agree in large part with the now demolished 10 Satanic commandments of the Georgia Guidestones.

This is where I will leave things. The proposed Antichrist (Zelenskyy) has yet even to defeat the first global nuclear armed power of 3 that the bible predicts. If Z man is not the Antichrist, then he will not win. It’s that simple. But going on 5 months, the Ukrainians have yet to experience a real loss of any of the big 3: Odessa, Kharkiv, or Kiev. Too many cheerleaders for Russia, but the bible predicts they will lose if Zelenskyy is the Antichrist. The bible prophesizes that the NWO will succeed.

Elon Musk is the frontrunner for the coming False Prophet. He is a transhumanist. He owns Neuralink. He owns Starlink and the means to launch the satellites in Space X. He owns an electric car company for when the global fuel supply collapses ala “Mad Max”. He is buying a global media communications company Twitter. He is not a Christian and I sense he is reprobate (rejected Jesus Christ) already. He is a WEF member. He is a globalist. A “New Age” prophet.

And he is the richest person in the world. He can make top bid and that might just buy him the title of False Prophet. Only time will tell…

He has already helped Zelenskyy via Starlink


Not going to mess with things, this chart is working like a charm,