Elliott Wave Update ~ 6 July 2022 MAJOR PROPHECY UPDATE – 2300 DAYS


There is a significant prophecy in the Book of Daniel concerning the “2300 days”. I propose the blowing up of the Georgia Guidestones today marked the start of the 2300 days as outlined in Daniel Chapter 8.

Georgia Guidestones explosion – live: ‘America’s Stonehenge’ that critics dub ‘satanic’ is hit by bomb attack (yahoo.com)

Incidentally, I obviously think the attack on the Georgia Guidestones was an “inside job”. A “sacrifice” of their “holy” temple by the NWO members to initiate the end of times events. Naturally, no one has been implicated of this crime as of this post.

Here is what Daniel chapter 8 actually says:

13 Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?

14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

This is probably one of the most abused prophecies ever. The interpretation that I adhere to is that 2300 days is a subtraction from the day that Jesus actually declares the “temple” to be cleansed at the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom.

In other words, the followers of Satan start “sacrificing” at the end of days to bring about the satanic messiah, the Antichrist. Thus 2300 days represents the very day a significant “event” kicks off to mark this occasion, i.e., a “sacrifice”.

If we take 21 October 2028 as the day that Jesus’s Millennial Kingdom actually starts, then minus 2300 days using inclusive counting brings us to 6 July 2022.

Note the “duration” of 2300 days……

Thus, I made a slight adjustment of the calendar I have been using. “6 July 2022” is now the date that the “daily sacrifice” started.

What this means is that today Satan has once again imitated God by “breaking” the Satanic 10 Commandments (the Georgia Guidestones). This is a direct imitation of Moses breaking the tablets (10 commandments) when he came down from the mountain.

Additionally, only “one fourth” of the monument was broken. This is replica of Revelation 6 where Death has power over 1/4 of earth:

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Therefore, we have our major event marking the beginning of the 2300 days and thus helping to confirm the eventual outcome of the overall end times timeline.

And if one cares to hear a REALLY freaky story, I happened to go in this morning VERY early to work; 3;30 A.M (which is rare). I had not much work, so I turned on You Tube, and a video caught my eye…. NEW WORLD ORDER.

This was the video I was watching at 4 AM at about the same time the police stated that the Georgia Guidestones blew up. (However, I had not learned of this event until 12 hours later)

America Unearthed: The New World Order (S2, E2) | Full Episode | History – Bing video

As God is my witness, I swear that is what I was watching at approximately 4 a.m. EST, the very same moments the police claimed the Georgia Guidestones blew up.

As a side note, the video “sucked” as far as I was concerned, and I played it in the background as I was working. Just a bunch of lame-stream mass-media “BS” yet it had an interesting interview of the banker who pledged fealty to “R.C. Christian” and swore to never tell the actual name(s) of those behind the Georgia Guidestones.

One other aspect of this show was the murals at the Denver airport which are clearly NWO satanic apocalpyse.

denver airport murals – Bing images

Which are more than freaky. And that video was from I think 2010,,,,,



This seems to be working. See my comments yesterday.